Page 17 of Covert Mission

Behind me, the whole damned team chuckles.Myteam. That doesn’t help the hot feeling around my collar.

I scowl at all of them. “Change of plans. I’m gonna deal with her. You guys get the game plan together for finding our primary. Come talk to me before you make any moves.”

Justice isn’t getting close to her.

With that, I motion for Camile to meet me at the edge of the small opening, dead set on convincing her to get her damned team out of here.

I just don’t know how.


I know what’s coming. Bracing myself, I cross the grassy area and step into the shade at the edge of the forest. At least the man had the decency to stand in a place that’s out of the sun.

“You rang?”

He slowly blinks at me, then pins me with that look he has down so well. I bet this guy was a drill sergeant. “I don’t see what’s funny about this.”

Good grief.

“Was I being funny?”

“You…never mind. When are you leaving?”

Okay. This is getting old. I sigh. “We’re not leaving. We have a job to do. In case you didn’t notice, there’s a disaster out there, and we’re here to help. I’ll just make sure that I have one of the men?—”

“Sorry to break the news, but those bozos couldn’t protect you from a fly.”

The nerve of the man. “That’s just plain rude!”

“The truth.”

A breeze stirs. It’s unfortunate timing. The scent of his soap mixed with clean sweat invades my nose.

He smells good. Dammit.

I pinch the bridge of my nose.

Things are becoming very clear, and I know exactly what I’m dealing with. A hardass who’s used to getting his way. Right now that includes moving me out of town.

This might be my first job with FamFind, but it is not my first go around with men like this. I know the type well.

Drawing a deep breath, I search for calm. But instead, I just get angrier. “So, let me get this right. Just because a man can’t bench press a hundred and fifty pounds means he?—”

“Two seventy.”

“What’s two seventy?”

“My bench press.”

Oh, brother. Two seventy. That’s like double my weight.

But it has nothing to do with this conversation. “Okay. And?”

“They’re pencil pushers. They are not trained operators. They’re not even mall cops.”

He actually said that,mall cops.

How is this infuriating man making me want to laugh?