I run my finger over the edge of the hotel stationary paper.
Hey, sleeping beauty. I went to talk to Scout. The boys had a look around and there is no sign of rebels in town this morning. Come over when you wake up. We can talk through the case. X. L
I grin at his closing line.X. L.
Did he mean X as in hug and kiss, XO?
Or XL as in Extra Large… Because it sure fits. God knows I still feel him everywhere.
That makes me blush. I’m still grinning as I sit down at the table to peel a fresh orange. The bright smell of citrus fills the air.
I might even be humming a little. Why am I in such a good mood?
Surely, a little note wouldn’t do that.
No, it’s because he’s going to help me with the case. I might not even lose my job.
But a little kick of embarrassment hits me. I’d be employed because of a favor, not because of my merit as an asset.
I toss the peel in the trash and finish the orange, as I contemplate how I feel about this fact. I don’t mind a leg up, but a downright bribe…
No, wait, it’s blackmail…
Isn’t it?
Tugging the notepad and pen toward me, I start to collect my thoughts about the case.
I jot down:
Unaccounted for and lost donations.
Money disappearing from the FamFind coffers.
+ Always from the discretionary fund.
No receipts.
Ralph’s unexpected airplane ownership? Secret?
Ralph sending unknown man to talk to me about inventory.
Mysterious cargo on the truck.
I circle the last one. This is going to be for Lucas to explore. I know he can use his stealthy superpowers to check out the crates.
As I sit, staring down at the list, I search my mind for other things that I might have overlooked.
Come on… where is the missing piece?
After a while, I admit, I’m not seeing anything new. Staring at the paper isn’t helping. Time to go talk with Lucas.
A little flutter hits my veins. Thinking about seeing him makes me feel warm all over. Damn him for having such an effect on me.
I hurry to the bathroom and check my hair. Yikes. Where is my brush? I dig it from my pack and attack the tangles.
That’s when I spot it… a smudgy purple mark on my neck.
That devil!