Lucas is furious. He has every right to be. It wasn’t exactly my fault, but the poor man has been dragged into the middle of so much of my crap, I can’t even keep up now.
Beep! Beep! I jolt. My body goes electric.
The phone!Oh my god!
With my heart in my throat and my hands turning to ice, I grab the thing off of the console.
There’s a horrid pause. Then a voice that makes my skin shrink comes over the airwaves. “Calypso. We received your distress call.”
The air won’t move in my lungs.
Why does the CEO of PCI have such a sickening effect on me? It’s not like he can kill me through the phone…
I think.
But he is an enigma. A black-ops legend, they say. The kind of man you don’t want to piss off.
Which is why I’m about to keel over right now.
It feels like I’m standing on a bed of electric nails.
My palm is drenched when I wipe it on my thigh. “Yes, sir. I have a problem.”
“You better tell me it’s already resolved.”
Every bit of water in my body must be pouring out of my palms because my throat is as dry as sawdust.
“I’m working on that…”
Except Ralph isn’t returning my calls either. But I don’t reveal that little fact.
“Sir.” I swallow hard. “I got fired from the job with FamFind.”
I brace when Nighthawk inhales swiftly.
“You what?” It’s half sputtered, half yelled.
“They let me go.”
My eardrum is pierced by his next outburst. “What the fuck, Calypso? You better be feeding me a line of bullshit!”
“I’m doing everything I can…”
He’s yelling a string of expletives that I didn’t even know existed. Something slams down. Probably his fist onto a desk, from the way it sounds. “Do you have any idea how much money I’m being paid to get to the bottom of the suspected financial crimes that are happening in that company?”
“No, sir.” I slump back into the seat of the Agile Security truck.
“Fucking hell!”
My entire body flinches.
The line crackles with his anger.
I can just imagine his head glowing red, even though I’ve never met the man, it’s not hard to picture.