Page 100 of Covert Mission

Thankfully, Evan interrupts my plan when he rolls up in one of the company trucks.

He bolts out, strides toward me, looking at me hard, tilting his head.

Not only am I sitting on the ground, I probably havethatlook in my eyes. The kind you can see from thirty paces, that sets off that sixth sense that you get when a bomb is about to explode.

Smart man. This isn’t Evan’s first battle.

I can’t even greet him, my jaw is clenched so tight.

“Based on your expression, that didn’t go well. What did he say?”

I notice he doesn’t mention that I’m sitting on my ass in the grass like some kindergartner at story time.

I bite out a few words. “No, you first. Did you find anything about our missing woman?”

Evan’s been in town asking around while keeping his eye on the guy that says he’s here to replace Camile.

Now we’re dealing with two men that both have a circus tent full of red flags waving over their heads.

Evan drops down on the ground next to me. “I have good and bad news. The man we helped extract from the building is alive. He’s also an American based on his clothing and a very redneck-looking tattoo on his left arm. Here’s the fucked part. He fits the description of one of the guys who was traveling around town with MZ.”

I sit up straighter. “Well, balls. If they were together when the quake happened…”

Evan frowns as he slides back, moving deeper into the shade of the gigantic palm tree. “That’s a possibility, but all the buildings have been cleared now.”

“Are they sure?”

“Yep. They’ve used multiple cadaver dogs and every advanced listening device in their arsenal. Pretty much every piece of debris has been moved now.”

“Someone needs to question that guy as soon as he comes around.”

Evan nods. “He’s been transported to the hospital, but he’s still unconscious at this time, according to the Italian rescue team’s director.”

“Fuck,” I mutter and rub my palm over my jaw. “What’s his prognosis?”

“Touch and go. Lots of internal injuries.” He frowns. “I know the name of the hospital where they took him. It’s over an hour away, in the next city. I’ll head over there when you give me the green light. But he’s not going anywhere, and right now, looks like you might need me here.”

I stand up and shake out the tension in my hands. Like that does any good when they want to be around someone’s neck, strangling. “I don’t know what I need.”

That’s a lie. I need a magic carpet to take me out of here. One that takes me back in time to the day I agreed to lead Team Falcon. Clearly, I’m not capable of shit.

I stop shifting around like my underwear is on fire and drop my hands to my hips. “Look, this pains me to say like you can’t imagine, but I need for you to keep this mission together, I’ve got to deal with the bullshit in my head right now, and I’d appreciate it if you kept everything else on track, I’m not able to do my part of the job and that galls the hell out of me.”

He watches me for a beat, then his gaze turns funny. “First, I gotta say, you said more in that one breath than I’ve heard you say in an entire year before. I’m not used to all this multiple-syllable communication, and definitely never heard a run-on sentence come out of your mouth. Second, I’m definitely pointing out that she’s got you wrapped, man.”

“I’m not wrapped around any damn fingers. I’m wrapped around some kind of bullshit axle.”

He purses his lips, and a single dark eyebrow goes up. “Damn, I never thought I’d see you rattled. You’re made of Teflon.”

I scrub my face with both hands. “You know what they say about Teflon, right?”

“No. What?”

“When that shit gets scratched, throw it away.”

He chuckles. “This will pass.”

“Like a fucking kidney stone.”