Thirty minutes later, Eris pulled up in front of Rom's villa. The guards had opened the gate before she slowed, so they must have known to expect her.
Laverna met her at the front door, holding two large glasses of red wine. She looked like she was enjoying her summer with her hair up in a clip, barefoot, and wearing cut-off jeans and one of Rom's company T-shirts, the red print of a wolf over her right breast.
"Stealing clothes again?" Eris teased, accepting the wine and the hug from the other goddess.
"He gave it to me, I swear. Are you okay?" Laverna asked, looking her in the eyes. She was one of the few that had always been brave enough to do it.
Eris grimaced. "I'm not sure, but there might be a chance to break my curse."
Laverna's brows shot up. She looped her arm around Eris's waist. "Sounds like you have had a day. Come out the back, and you can tell Rom and me all about it."
"Domestic bliss suits you," Eris teased as they walked through the villa.
Laverna grinned. "It definitely has its perks."
Romulus was standing in front of a barbecue on the back terrace, wearing jeans and a T-shirt. It was about as casual as he got, and like Laverna, he seemed relaxed and settled in a way Eris had never seen before.
Laverna shamelessly checked out her lover. "We wasted enough time, and I like his cooking."
"I'm glad that you are both happy," Eris replied truthfully.
Laverna moved to pat him on the butt to get his attention. Rom smiled at her like Laverna was his whole universe before he saw Eris and nodded in greeting. Watching their interactions made loneliness stab at her again, but she made sure not to let it show.
"And what did the Fates tell you to put that look in your eyes?" Rom asked her.
"They told me how I can break my curse. I only need the palladium and a man whom I had a failed date with the other night," Eris said with an awkward laugh.
"You better start at the beginning," Rom replied, sharing a look with Laverna.
The whole story tumbled out in a rush, including the awkward date with Enzo and how it ended in disaster.
Laverna's eyes lit up with recognition and mischief. "Wait! Are we talking about the bartender with the curls? And the beard? Ohhh, and the shoulders? You know, the one that looks like he could fuck you against a wall for an hour and not get tired?"
Rom's eyes glowed with possession even as they narrowed.
"What?" Laverna huffed. "It's just an observation."
Eris tried not to choke on her wine. Rom's look promised retribution later, and she really hoped she wasn't still around to hear it.
"Yes, that's the one," she said, trying to keep the conversation moving.
It was Laverna's turn to frown. "It's not like you to shit where you eat, Eris," she said crudely. "You know better than to date the bartender of your fave spot."
"I do! And I don't know why I agreed to it at all. He kind of smiled, and one thing led to another. If he is of Aeneas's bloodline, then that means he's also got some of Aphrodite in him. There was something about him that I couldn't help myself."
Rom was still frowning. "If he is who you claim, then he's also of my bloodline, however watered down. I stopped tracking them on purpose centuries ago. Me interfering in their lives tended to make things worse."
"I had forgotten Aeneas married into your family generations before you. No wonder Enzo felt familiar. I knew Aeneas, Aphrodite, and you," Eris said and rubbed her temple. "I must be blind."
"Ohh, he's a triple threat. Delicious. The good news is he likes you and might be down for an adventure," Laverna said cheerily.
"I doubt his wife would like me as much. I also stormed out in a huff and have no intention of going back."
Laverna rolled her eyes. "Did you ever stop to think that it might have actually been his grandmother?Sit down and eat something before you start overthinking this even more. It will make you feel better."
"I saw the picture on his phone. She wasn't old."
"Maybe the picture was?" Laverna said with a shrug.