Page 62 of Grump and Grumpier

As I’m about to open it, Owen steps into my office. “Good morning, Ana.” His cheerful tonesounds like a foreign language after my morning meeting with Derek and Jansen.

I do my best to match his energy. “Good morning, Owen.”

“What’s that?” He nods to the box in my hands.

I search his expression for any hint of recognition. “You don’t know?”

His brows lift. “Should I?” Then, after a beat, he says, “Oh, is that another one of those mystery gifts you mentioned?

“I think so.”

He steps closer, his eyes shining with curiosity. “Do you think it’s from a secret admirer?”

My shoulders lift and fall. “I guess so? I don’t know what else to think.”

“Well …if you do have a secret admirer, I’d better get ahead of things.”

“What do you mean?” Just as I ask this, and just as his probable meaning dawns on me, Jansen appears in my doorway.



Iam a fucking idiot.

That’s all I can think about as I try to show the appropriate amount of interest to our biggest investor. It doesn’t take long before the thoughts in my head are so loud that I give up the struggle.

“Excuse me. Something urgent has come up.”

Derek shoots me a look but doesn’t say anything as I leave the conference room.

I’m going to apologize first thing, and then I’m going to beg her to stay. I’ve never begged anyone for anything ever, but I can’t stand the thought of her no longer being here.

How could she still be thinking there was a six-month time limit after all we’ve shared? I introduced her to my parents, for fuck’s sake.

How can she just leave?

She’s smiling when I reach her office, and I’m flooded with relief—but then I see it’s not me she’s smiling at.

There’s a man in her office. Owen. I’ve seen this motherfucker flirting with her before. Why does she encourage it when she knows she belongs to me and Derek?

“I’d like to take you to dinner. Are you available Saturday evening?” Owen asks.

The last thing I see before my vision goes red is Ana looking back and forth between me and Owen like she’s trapped.

“What the fuck is going on?” All my attention is on Owen now, who flinches in surprise, then shrinks back. He tries to speak, but I don’t let him.

“You’re fired. Get out.”

“Wha—? What for? Now it’s Owen looking back and forth between me and Ana.

“I don’t need a reason. You’re done here.”

Ana’s up and coming around her desk, small fists balled at her sides. “You can’t do that!”

“The fuck I can’t.” My anger flares hotter, spurred on by the pain of Ana defending this asshole.

“What reason do you have for firing him?”