After dinner, we cuddle on the couch, and when Derek reaches for the remote, I think about how I’ve never envisioned either of them watching TV. It seems much too frivolous an activity for these serious, driven men.
I wonder if we’ll watch a movie, and what kind it will be, but Derek goes straight to YouTube, where he pulls up a video that explains all the types of drinks that can be made with espresso.
“Oh my gosh, you’re both such coffee nerds!”
They pretend to take offense at my comment, and use it as an excuse to tackle me. Their hands find their way into the robe I’m wearing, and not long after that, the robe comes off altogether.
At some point, after we’ve had a lot more fun together and watched very little of whatever’splaying on the TV, I reluctantly make moves to get dressed and go home, but they don’t let me.
Derek carries me into his bedroom, and while I’m trying to take it in, eager to get a further glimpse into his private life, I’m surprised and excited to find Jansen following us. The room itself isn’t much of a surprise—it’s very much like the rest of his home: dark, masculine and expensive-looking—but his comforter is silky smooth and luxurious, and it’s made even more inviting by the men who are holding me in their arms.
Derek spoons me, making me feel snug and secure, while Jansen kisses me and strokes my cheek as his bare feet tangle with mine. So this is what cuddling with them feels like. It’s incredible, and I want to stay like this forever, but after a short time, I break out in a light sweat.
Derek notices immediately. “Are you too warm?”
“A little bit.”
He moves to the side, giving me a bit of space, and I end up lying between the men with each of them holding one of my hands. It’s … sweet? That’s not a word I ever thought I’d use to describe any experience with my two grumpy bosses, but that’s exactly how it feels.
I fall asleep fairly quickly, but wake up again some time later, and as if they’d been waiting for me, hands start wandering, and the three of us go anotherround. After that, I have the best sleep of my life, until Jansen wakes me in the early hours by stroking my cheek. “Would you like to take the day off?” he asks.
I’m groggy at first, until I remember where I am. “No, I can’t do that. I was just on vacation. I need to go home so I can shower and change.”
While Jansen helps me find my clothes, Derek, still looking delectable in the jogging pants he pulled back on, asks, “Would you like a cup of coffee? Or … um, tea?”
Touched by his thoughtfulness, I smile at him. “No, thanks. Maybe I’ll have a latte when I get to work.”
He brings me a bottle of water instead, and both he and Jansen kiss me goodbye, tell me to drive safely, and not to worry if I’m late. I leave wondering who those two men are, because though they bear a physical resemblance to my bosses, they don’t act like them at all.
I love the new side of them I’ve seen, but I’m also alarmed by it, because when they act like this, it would be far too easy for me to feel things. I might start wanting more than sex from them—I might want emotional things—and wanting more could be dangerous.
Later, at work, I’m tired but happy. Maybe I should feel guilty, because I’ve definitely crossed yet another line by spending the night with my bosses, but the experience was just too good for me to feel bad about it.
I’m screening applications for a new customer service rep position when a loud howl pierces the white noise that typically fills the office. First, I freeze, then I jump up. It sounded like a cry of pain.
By the time I get around my desk and out into the main room, others are already up and looking to see who yelled. There’s another cry, more muffled this time, accompanied by a curse, and the meerkat heads that have popped up over cubicle walls start to focus in on a particular spot that’s been the source of many a disruption in the past.
I hurry over to Rob’s desk just in time to hear theretail manager roar, “Motherfucker!” as he bangs his desk repeatedly. Is this another office-inappropriate song lyric?
His face is beet red as he tips a water bottle nearly vertical, draining the liquid.
“Are you okay?” I ask automatically, though clearly, he’s not.
Behind me, Evelyn pushes in. “Ha! Caught you!”
I scramble to make sense of the situation, and then see a sandwich with a large bite taken out of it. It’s directly on the surface of the desk, not in a bag or on a plate, and its components are askew, as if it was hastily tossed aside.
The puzzle pieces fall together quickly then, and when I nudge the top piece of bread aside, I find a thick white filling—maybe cream cheese?—studded with bright red bits of pepper.
“That’s what you get for stealing my lunches!” Evelyn cries, as Rob continues to gulp water like he’s been stranded in the desert for days. When he finally stops drinking, he gasps for air and fans his mouth with his hand, then he grabs for his trash can and retches.
Owen’s nearby, and I catch his eye. “Could you please get him a glass of milk from the break room?”
Owen nods and disappears, and I turn my attention back to the sandwich thief, who’s sputtering at Evelyn. “Were you trying to kill me?”