But she’d made itveryclear that after my screwup with round one, she had no interest in a repeat performance.

I couldn’t blame her, not after what happened. We didn’t get along, we were always at odds, and well… Ireallyscrewed up. The fact that it had never happened before wasn’t something I’d been able to force between my lips when she was looking at me like that, pissed off and red-faced after the fact.

I shook off the painful memory and placed my hand flat on the door. I could hear low voices inside. Before I could knock, though, the door swung open easily at my touch.

Annoyance flooded me when I saw Reed standing in her bathroom doorway.

“I can’t believe it. You’re pregnant,” he murmured, shaking his head. “It’ll work out, okay? Let’s just get to Romania and worry about what’s next then.”

Shock replaced the annoyance at lightning speed.

Pregnant? Was Brielle in here?

No, my nose knew the truth. There was no hint of omega, still-water scent. It was all coffee and cream, this morning with a sickly tinge, only confirming what was finally sinking in.

Leigh is pregnant.

With our baby.

“What the fuck did you just say?” The words flew out before I’d had a chance to think them through, and a lot harsher than I intended. My protective instincts were through the roof around Leigh in general, but even more heightened at this exact moment.

I wasn’t mad. You could have knocked me down with a damn feather, but I wasn’t mad.

Overwhelmed, shocked, tingling all over like I wasn’t breathing? Checks across the board.

But not mad.

“Gael,” Reed said warily, lifting both hands in a calming gesture. “Maybe you and I should take a walk.” He cast a furtive glance at Leigh, still hidden away in the bathroom.

She’d been puking because she was pregnant.Morning sickness.

The realizations were hitting me slowly, as if I couldn’t process everything that was happening all at once.

How was it evenpossible?

I mean, yeah, we’d had sex. A whole hell of a lot of it, in that one night. Let’s just say that if sheer physical compatibility could knock somebody up, I wasn’t the least bit surprised it had happened.

But she wasn’t in heat. We weren’t bonded. Both of which were required for a wolf pregnancy.

Except, the half step I’d taken into the room showed me a line of little pee sticks, presumably all saying pregnant.

Holy fuck. I was going to be adad.

“Just go, please.” Leigh’s voice sounded wretched, wrung out and exhausted at a bone-deep level.

I stepped forward on instinct—she might not be my mate, but she was pregnant with my baby, and I would take care of her whether she liked it or not—but Reed stepped to the side, intercepting me.

NowI was furious.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I seethed, getting into his personal space.

His eyes flicked to the scar on my face as his own paled. Of the two of us, I was a significantly better fighter, and he knew it. The scar I wore was a reminder to everyone that I fought hard and fought to win. But what Reed didn’t do was back down, and my wolf snarled viciously, tearing at my already fraying control.

“I’m honoring Leigh’s wishes to clean up in private. She’s okay right now, but what she doesn’t need is a macho alpha showdown in her bathroom.”

I’d have been less shocked if my mild-mannered, posh friend had spit in my face.

The worst part of it was, he was right.