“Yeah, so lucky. Well, enjoy your workout.” He smiled again.
“Thanks.” I waved and walked on, ready to get to the outdoors. My wolf needed the freedom, and I needed the space from the weighty expectations that lived inside this castle.
Luckily, Mother Nature always provided. As soon as I felt the give of spongy green grass under my feet, I blew out a relieved breath. Blessed escape.
I’m fine, Petal’s fine, and I’m going to figure it all out.
The phrase became my mantra as I ran, letting my sneakers fly over the earth and leaving all my troubles behind.
Istood outside Leigh’s door, patiently waiting for her to answer my knock, but it had been several minutes and the answer hadn’t come. I shifted to my other foot, worry starting to edge out my patience. Should I poke my head in? What if she was sick again?
“She’s not in there,” Lucien said, startling me from my concentration.
“Damn, you people are jumpy this morning. Leigh did the same thing when I told her good morning. Must be in the air.” He took a long sip of his coffee, and I resisted the urge to punch him for knowing where Leigh was when I didn’t.
I must have growled, because he took a pointed step back.
“Where is she?”
“Looked like she was heading to work out. Have you seen that sports bra? Hot damn.” He bobbed his head with that last line, and I saw red.
My hand was around his throat and his back was against the wall before I thought it through.
“Keep your hands to your own fucking self, or I’ll removethem.” My wolf was testing my limits, my nails turning to claws, eyes aglow as I let my dominance flatten him.
“Whoa, buddy, you’ve got it wrong— I told you I wouldn’t mess with her again, and I kept my word. Besides, I don’t put my hands onanyfemale who doesn’t ask first, capisce? All I did was tell her good morning and walk on by. Let me down. You made me spill my coffee.”
I blinked twice, better judgment hitting me as coffee dripped onto my boots. But still, I couldn’t let it go despite his flippant attitude.
No,becauseof his flippant attitude. He wasn’t getting the hint.
“I don’t even want to hear her name in your mouth, you hear me? She’s my mate, she’s pregnant withmychild, and you’re a fuckboy. Stay clear, or else next time, it won’t be your coffee that gets spilled.”
He snorted. “Duly noted, boss man. I was being friendly, but I’ll tone down the flirting. I’ll treat her like a nun.”
I growled. “You’ve fucked a nunin her habit, if the rumors are true, so you’ll treat her like your sister, or you’ll regret it.”
He laughed. The fucker was laughing at me.
“Wow. Kane told me you had it bad, but this is next-level caveman shit.”
He patted me on the shoulder, not even remotely as concerned as he should be. I was dead serious. I’d remove any part of him that touched her.
“I’ll treat her like my baby sister, man, I promise. I’m just jerking your chain.”
Finally, my wolf eased up, and I let him go. He swore as he dropped the cup, coffee splattering everywhere on the pristine marble and his own fancy, dove-gray suit pants. My black cargos wouldn’t show it, so I didn’t care. “Barbarian fucker,” he muttered as he shook his head. “I’m sending you a bill for my dry cleaning.”
I ignored him as he walked off to get cleaned up and went back to studying Leigh’s door. Her credit card had come in, which I was trying to give her. If she wasn’t in, should I leave it on her nightstand? The message I’d left last night was gone, which was good. Or bad. She could have thrown it straight in the trash.
I’d check the knob. If it was locked, I’d come back. If not, I’d leave the credit card on her bedside table.
The knob spun freely, and I pushed the door open, walking in before I could talk myself out of it.
A tiny, not at all threatening hiss led me to Nugget, who was curled up on the foot of her bed.