Three hard rapson the door woke me.

“G, you in there? Lucien’s here, and he’s got news.”

“What?” Leigh murmured sleepily.

“Shh, I’ll handle it.”

“Don’t go,” she whispered, and my heart clenched.

Goddess, if she’d ask me that when she was awake, I’d be the luckiest damn man alive.

“Just for a minute,” I promised.

“’Kay,” she murmured, already shifting to get comfortable on her own.

I interrupted the next series of knocks by swinging the door open to Reed’s bored expression. That changed quickly whenhe sucked in a lungful of Leigh’s heady coffee scent, and I lifted a lip in a snarl at him.

That was my scent, not his. And while I knew now that he hadn’t touched her… my wolf didn’t care.

“What does he know?”

“He got us in to see the IGC. Pretty sure he’s sleeping with someone on the council.”

“Fuck yes. Give me a minute. Kane’s office?”

He nodded, already turning on his heel to head there.

“Leigh?” I whispered, but she was still sound asleep.

I waffled on what to do for a moment—I wasn’t a man who had sleepovers, not ever. A quick fuck, and then off you went. And I certainly never hung around for breakfast the next day.

But Leigh was different, and I didn’t want her to wake up and think I’d left her.

So I grabbed a notepad from the nightstand and scrawled out a quick note, second-guessing it the entire way.

One last look, and then I quietly shut the door behind me.

I found them all in Kane’s office, including the women.

Lucien’s dirty-blond hair was slicked back, a hand-rolled cigarette hanging from his lips. “Nice of you to join us.” He sucked in a deep draught of air, then grinned wickedly. “Fresh from the sack. Was she any good?”

Something came over me, a red haze dropping over my vision that I’d never experienced before. Between blinks, I was on him. My clawed hands around his neck, fangs low in my mouth as I snarled over his prone form.

“Don’t youevertalk about her like that.”

“Gael!” Kane’s alpha bark raked across me like nails on a chalkboard, and I flinched back, but hung on. This son of a bitch needed to learn a lesson about how we treated females in our pack, and I was happy to teach him.

Strong hands grabbed both of my shoulders, but I didn’t let go, not yet.

“Submit,” I snarled, a fat drop of saliva falling off my extended canines to land with a plop on his cheek.

He bared his neck, tilting his head as far to the side as he could with my punishing grip.

I loosened it a fraction, and Dirge snatched me off him.

“What are you thinking? The women don’t need to see that shit.” He cuffed me on the back of the head and frog-marched me behind Kane’s desk, out of reach of anyone except him and Kane, boxing me in from either side. Kane’s displeasure was a pressure I could feel in my bones, both through the bond and with the weight of his dominance.

Lucien stood, dusting himself off with a chuckle. “It’s fine, not the first time I’ve run afoul of a possessive alpha.” He slicked his hair back and straightened the sleeves of his leather jacket without a care in the world. “But I won’t mention her again, brother. I apologize.”