A funny feeling started in the pit of my stomach, a fluttering that I didn’t know what to do with or how to interpret. But the longer I stood there, the stronger it grew, and then I was pacing again, just like last night in my room.
But I’d spent the whole night running from my problems, and not a damn thing had changed. It was time to stop running and take the bull by the horns.
I just needed a red cape.
Isat in the courtyard, feeling better than I had in a while, thanks to Brielle’s magic touch. This time, she’d managed to suck all the nausea out of me without even swaying on her feet, which was a huge improvement. I watched from a very comfy lounge chair, fresh-pressed juice in hand, as she, Shay, and Oli stood in a circle, palms outstretched.
“So, I’m sorry, tell me again— you’re part fae? And as a result, you accidentally zap people?”
“Basically,” Shay said with a grimace. “I’m trying to learn to control it, or at least not do it accidentally anymore.”
“It would be handy if you could do it on purpose, though, given the number of people who keep coming after us,” Brielle said with a smile.
Olivia looked pale at the thought. She hadn’t taken the news about Bri’s omega status as badly as we’d expected, but I supposed that if your palm was already glowing when you found out the world wasn’t what you thought it was, it was easier to believe.
I grimaced down at my own bandage-covered palm, thentucked it under my leg, out of sight. I had more immediate problems than a glowworm appendage.
Like the fact that Gael was going to ask Bri for a paternity test, and I should probably get ahead of that.
“Shit, sorry!” Shay snatched her hand away from Olivia’s as her hair started to float around her head from the electricity.
“It’s okay, it didn’t hurt. It was, uh, tingly, though.” Olivia grimaced, carefully shaking her probably numb fingertips behind her back. She was sweet, trying to spare Shay’s feelings.
Brielle bravely stood with her palm up, but no matter how many times they tried, Shay’s shock did not transfer to Bri.
“Do you want to try me?” I called, but was immediately shot down, like the first two times I’d offered.
“No zapping the pregnant lady.” Brielle leveled me with a pointed glare.
I was halfway through my juice before they took a break. Brielle sank into the lounge chair next to me, frowning as she sipped her own drink.
“Not a fan of the fresh juice?” I asked.
“The texture is weird, but it’s tasty.”
I shrugged, enjoying it. Though, anything I could keep down at this point was my new BFF. The chef had called this a carrot-apple colada, but assured me it contained only fresh fruit and vegetables appropriate forgestating she-wolves.
It was so great when people talked about the contents of your uterus.So great.
But the man made a mean juice, so I forgave him.
Brielle cleared her throat. “So, I have to ask you something, and I hope you won’t be offended.”
My eyes shot from the juice to hers, and I knew from her expression that I’d missed the boat. Shame clogged my throat.
“It’s okay,” I murmured, setting the glass on the side table so I could clench my hands together unimpeded.
She rested her hand on my arm, clearing her throat lightly to get my attention so she could ask the question I dreaded.
“Why does Gael think he needs a paternity test?”
I blew out a breath, letting my head fall against the chairback with athunk. “Because I’m an asshole.”