It was a more formal address than I’d ever heard in a bonding, but Gael looked unfazed.
“Priestess, given our circumstances, I didn’t have a gift purchased in advance.”
The priestess nodded as if this was no surprise, but he wasn’t done.
“As such, I would like to offer my mate a personal sacrifice as proof of my devotion.”
“As head priestess of the Maiden’s Enclave, I can offer you the warrior’s rune. It is painful and it is permanent. They are only awarded to skilled warriors and those who are proven worthy friends of the enclave. It is an honor not bestowed on many.”
Painful? No, I didn’t want him to do anything painful. We’d been through enough. But before I could argue, Marciana turned to me.
“Your male offers you a great honor. Do you accept this sacrifice, or will you reject his hand?”
I looked at Gael, slightly horrified. “Gael, I don’t want you to hurt yourself. Please, I don’t need this. I would accept you with nothing.Youare my gift.” I cupped his cheek in my hand, begging him with my eyes.
Marciana was immune to my begging. “A worthy sentiment made with a pure heart, but I will not reject his request. If you accept him, you must accept the sacrifice.”
“It’s okay,” he murmured. “Say yes, princess.”
“Yes, I accept this offering.” The words quietly slipped from my lips, and I resisted the urge to cling to Gael’s hand as he stepped back, out of the circle. I didn’t know how one got a warrior’s rune, but I clutched both Olivia’s and Brielle’shands for dear life when they stepped into the circle next to me.
Gael quickly shucked his button-up shirt, handing the garment to Kane before turning to face the gathered crowd. Two of the priestesses stepped forward, carrying a heavy-looking pot between them, with a single metal rod sticking out. A third priestess stepped forward with a pouch and sprinkled something over the pot. It billowed smoke and steam, and Olivia stiffened at my side.
“Wolfsbane and… salt,” she whispered, somehow identifying the contents from a distance.
No, no, no, no…
Marciana stepped forward, gripping the handle of the metal rod, but not yet removing it from the pot.
“Kneel and receive your rune with honor.”
Gael did as he was told, locking eyes with me as he knelt, hands clasped behind his back, bare chest on display.
The red-hot iron she pulled from the coals smoldered, and I tried to intercept her, but Kane stepped in front of me, not letting me out of my position.
“Be strong for him,” he murmured, a hint of alpha command fastening me to my spot. With nothing else to do, I held Gael’s eyes as she pressed the brand to his shoulder. He flinched, but didn’t move, didn’t utter a sound as she lifted the brand away from his skin.
The mark it left behind was raised, the full moon crossed with the curved blade of the Maiden’s Enclave, and another runic symbol that I didn’t recognize.
“Bear the rune with honor for the rest of your days. Go forth, warrior, and claim your mate.”
When Gael rose, there was a heat in his eyes that belied the pain he must have been feeling. He strode back into the flower circle with purpose, dropped to one knee, and fitted the ring onto my finger. It slid home with perfect ease, and my handsshook once more as I slid his own ring over his knuckle with a kiss.
Marciana had ditched the brand before stepping back into her place as the ceremonial leader, and when she spoke now, it was for all to hear. “The bond between mates is sealed with a bite. It is tradition for this to be done privately, and it must be completed before the moon sets on this night. In the eyes of the Moon Goddess and these witnesses, I bless this joining. Go forth and claim your mate.”
Gael surged to his feet with masculine grace, wrapping me in his arms and planting a searing kiss on my lips that held all the pent-up need and desire between us. I felt cherished, but also aneedblooming inside me to claim him.
He scooped me off my feet, hooking my heels behind his hips, and showing offfarmore of my bare leg in that slit than was decent, but neither of us cared. Whoops and cheers rose from the maidens, and they began to sing a new song as he carried me back down the garden path, into the night.
Ikicked open the door to our borrowed room, which was on the bottom floor of one of the fortress’s turrets. The heavy wooden door rattled against the stone walls, but I didn’t give a fuck. My mate was in my arms; my wolf was riding me to sink my fangs into her and seal this bond between us, and then sink into her and let the rut take over.
Because, hot damn, she smelled delicious. Her arousal was heady and thick in the air, and I knew my eyes were glowing as my need brought out my primal instincts. I would never smell a cup of coffee the same way again after this night.
I flicked the lock on the dead bolt with one hand, the other still cupping her ass through this indecent dress. Goddess, I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to frame the damn thing as a work of art or light it on fire so she could never wear it in public again.