“Wow. Haven’t been on the grounds five minutes and already breaking the chastity rules. Typical Gael,” a tall, statuesque woman with a stern brow and a thick, russet braid over one shoulder said. She was visibly fit, thick muscles cording her legs and forearms, which I could see under the rolled sleeves of her navy tunic and tightly fitted pants. There was a massive, curving blade sticking up over one shoulder. The sharp edge gleamed menacingly in the early morning sunlight.

I would probably pee myself if I ran into her alone in a dark alley.

“It doesn’t count if we’re still outside the gates,” Gael said without concern, but he did turn to look at her. “Long time no see, Galyna.”

“Long time no see, baby brother.”Shit, his sister? I haven’t even had a chance to straighten up my hair.“Who’s this you’ve dragged to my doorstep without notice? You know visitors have to be approved by the head priestess.”

“It’s still Marciana, right?” he asked, and I watched them volley back and forth like a ping-pong match.

“Yes, it is,” she practically growled.

“Well, I happen to know she’s willing to overlook occasional improprieties if the stories are to be believed—that chastity rule is more of a guideline. An often-ignored one in this century, even by the priestess herself.”

“I’d stop that line of conversation there if I were someone planning to ask me for favors,” a second woman said, walking up to stand at Galyna’s side. “And as you’ve already dropped six visitors on my doorstep unannounced, I think you’d better ask nicely. Although I admit, I’m disappointed you didn’t bringLucien.” Her wicked grin seemed to imply there were no hard feelings for Gael’s jokes about her lack of chastity.

“Priestess Marciana, you haven’t aged a day,” Gael said smoothly.

“Prince Starling, you haven’t wised up in the least,” she returned with a twinkle of laughter in her eyes. But there was no venom there. She opened both arms wide, and he stepped forward to return the hug. “But then, I’d be disappointed if you had. Who’s this lovely creature?”

“Marciana, Galyna, I’d like to introduce you to Leigh Barnes. My fated mate.” He waved me forward, and I hesitantly stepped forward to shake their hands.

Galyna’s soft gasp was quickly stifled behind her palm, but Marciana wasn’t so easily ruffled. “Congratulations are in order, then. We’ll hold a feast tonight in her honor.” She grasped my hand with the strength of a vise, and I had to work not to wince away from her powerful grip.

“With your permission, we’d like to hold a fair bit more than a feast.”

“Why am I not surprised?” Marciana rolled her eyes in a very un-priestess-y manner, despite the somber robes she wore, and waved us toward the gates.

I was barelythrough the front gates when I spotted aliteralmob of women wearing the same getup as Galyna, Gael’s sister.

Who is still eyeing me,another quick glance confirmed. I wasn’t sure if she was curious or unhappy with what she saw, but either way, she hadn’t looked away since Gael had pronounced me his mate. A stunningly pale brunette with bright red lipstick bounded over, breaking away from the mass of women as soon as she spotted Galyna.

“Lyna! Is this your brother? Hi, I’m Elodie!” she introducedherself with all the enthusiasm of a golden retriever, and her crystal-blue eyes sparkled with jovial mischief as she scanned the two of us.

“Yes, this is Gael. And his… mate,” Galyna said the word as if it left a bad taste in her mouth.

Elodie’s mouth fell into a roundoof surprise. “Wow. So… he’s got amate, mate? Intrigue. I can’t wait to hear all about it. Lyna’s told me all about you and the whole family-obligation thing. For what it’s worth, sounds like you dodged a serious bullet.”

I liked her instantly.

“So, the rest of your friends are over there. One of them had an itty-bitty kitten with her! It’s not even afraid of us, can you believe it?” Elodie’s smile was wide and her enthusiasm infectious. She was basically the opposite of Gael’s quiet, brooding sister in every fathomable way.

Maybe brooding was a family trait.Are you going to come out broody too, Petal?

Elodie grabbed Galyna by the arm and led the four of us right into the middle of the fray, shouting with glee. “Lyna’s brother is here, everybody! And he’s got a mate!”

A cheer went up from the crowd, and I knew Shay had to be hating every single second of this if she was in the middle of this melee somewhere.

But when I spotted the rest of our pack amid the chaos, Shay was safely tucked under Dirge’s arm, and none of the maidens were getting close enough to him to encroach on her personal space. Brielle and Nugget, though? They’d been surrounded by a fawning group of women, every single one of them with a matching giant blade on their backs as they cooed at the kitten or spoke to Brielle. Her still-water omega scent was thick in the air, and I had to wonder how much of their attention was due to herotherness, though they couldn’t know what she was.

I was struck then by the fact that these women didn’t looknun adjacentat all. They looked like hardened warriors who could take somebody’s head off with one swing of that giant double blade. Though I suddenly understood why Gael thought this was a good place to hide from an angry mob.

There was a literal female army hiding inside these walls, and from the easy, confident way they all carried themselves, I had a feeling they knew how to use those weapons well.

Priestess Marciana tapped Gael on the shoulder. “Perhaps now would be a good time for me to speak to you and your high alpha about why you’ve chosen to come for an unscheduled, unapproved visit?”

“Ah, yes,” Gael said with an apologetic grimace. “I’ll get Kane. Leigh, do you mind hanging out with the maidens? I’m sure they’ll be happy to show you to a room, and I’ll take care of all the arrangements.”

“What arrangements?” Olivia asked. I hadn’t even heard her walk up with all the people milling around us.