“I’m glad to see they’ve at least made an appointment this time,” Councilwoman Rubix said with an ill-concealed sneer.

“I helped with that, in case you were wondering. You seem to find me useless, so that should beonepoint in my column, at least,” Lucien said, sending her sarcastic tone straight back at her without missing a beat.

I raised my eyebrows as I watched them stare daggers at each other from opposite ends of the council table.

“Thank you for the warm welcome, Councilman Fortier.” Reed smoothly interrupted the staring contest. “We’re determined to work with the council to bring this petition to fruition for the greater good of all wolfkind. As you know, the ODL has had a deeply negative impact on our own pack mates?—”

Aliz interrupted, his tone bored. “No wrongdoing was found. I hope you’re not here to beat a war drum endlessly after a decision has already been made.”

“No, we respect the council’s position and their decision. If you truly feel that the ODL was acting within its bounds, we’ll honor that. However, we hope you’ll all keep an open mind forour latest petition, which seeks to change the scope of the ODL’s…”

I zoned out as Reed’s pretty speech dragged on. The man could talk paint off a wall, and I was feeling fully peeled already, only minutes into the song and dance. When Reed finished talking, back and forth arguments ensued between the councilmembers regarding the legality of changing laws that impacted more species than just wolf shifters.

It was boring as fuck, but I was glad he enjoyed it. Otherwise, Kane might’ve expected me to talk to these fuckers, and that wouldn’t have had the desired result. Unless the result was pissing them all off. That I could definitely accomplish.

I let my gaze roam over the room, scrutinizing their security and cataloging it all mentally in case it ever came in handy to know how many cameras they had and where they were located. Magical traps were harder to identify with this many species involved, but I was ninety-nine percent sure there was a magical curtain over the back door, which probably incapacitated anyone except the council who walked through it.

Interesting. What are you keeping tucked away back there?

I was stretching my senses with my wolf’s help, trying to see if I could get more of a signature off the blockage, when a loudbangfrom the back of the room had me whirling toward the threat.

A group of men—no,wolfshifters,my nose confirmed—barged through, Karina trailing after them with disheveled hair and a panicked look about her. “I must insist that you stop at once! The council is in session, and this ishighlyirregular!”

The males ignored her, and I stepped between my Alpha and the incoming threat as they poured into the chamber. This timing was no accident, and a deep inhale told me at least one of them had been with the gray wolves who’d attacked the castle and then turned tail when we’d come back and caught them in the act.

My wolf pressed forward, and a snarl formed on my lips. And then they parted, and I recognized their leader and the source of this little interruption.

And probably the castle attack. A thought I filed away for later discussion.

Petró, Varga’s eldest son, stepped forward, a flaccid smile turned to the council. “Apologies for the interruption, but we have a matter of grave concern that must be addressed by the council immediately.”

He looked unassuming, as far as wolves went. He was of medium build, with olive-toned skin, straight white teeth, and jet-black hair. But his eyes held the truth. He was a schemer like his father before him, and untold deception hid in their depths.

Fortier looked between Kane and Petró, lips pursed with displeasure. “I agree with Karina, this is highly unusual, and you should make an appointment. But apparently, wolves as a species are not the most patient.”

“Since we’re already scheduled to speak with wolves today, I don’t see what the harm is in letting them both speak,” Councilman Aileron said with a wicked gleam in his eye. “Surely the high alpha’s spokesman was done outlining their new omega petition, as long as he droned on.”

Fortier raised a hand to silence Aileron, who was enjoying this drama far too much to maintain the council’s veneer of respectability. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he pulled out a popcorn bucket.

Kane’s hand landed on my shoulder a second before he whispered in my ear, “Brielle is upset and blocking our bond. I think something’s wrong. The second we get this sorted, I want you to take one of the SUVs and go to them. Call Sergei. He’ll give you the address to the medical center where they’re having the class.”

He couldn’t have caused more tension if he’d lit my wolf’stail on fire with a Roman candle. There weren’t many reasons I could think of that would cause Brielle to block her bond with Kane while she was alone with Leigh, and none of the scenarios currently running through my head were good.

Fuck. What are you up to, Leigh?

This confrontational ballet with Petró and his muscle needed to end, and end now. I had to get to Leigh before she did something we’d all regret.

“If you have something that urgent, spit it out. Perhaps the high alpha could assist you,” I snapped, no patience remaining for pretty words and political mincing around subjects.

“Indeed, if there were an uncontested high alpha, perhaps hecouldhelp. But that is why we’re here,” Petró said, turning toward Councilman Fortier with his arms swept wide.

Every hair on the back of my neck and arms stood on end as dread filled me when I realized what he was about to do a moment too late.

“High Council, it is with a heavy heart and the utmost respect that I must formally request a breaking of the nine great packs.”

