“Youarefae, in part. Greater fae, not a lesser. But it is curious that you don’t know it. The relation would have to be close, for you to be as strong as you are. A parent, grandparent at the absolute least.”

I was stunned into silence. She thought I had a fae parent?

It wasn’t really possible for me to argue the point since I didn’tknowmy parents, but if I wasn’t a wolf shifter—fullya wolf shifter, I corrected as my brain tried to process what she was saying—wouldn’t someone have noticed before now?

Unease filled me at the idea of not being who or what I thought I was. Wouldn’t I have known?

“How is that possible?” Bri asked from her position seated next to Kane.

Jada shrugged, while one of her men chuckled. “The usual way, I suppose. Fae wander into this world eager to mingle with all the different species. They are a sexually curious race. Wolves are often highly physical. It’s not the worst match I’ve ever heard of.”

I really didn’t want to think about my existence being started by a randy fae and a lonely wolf’s one-night stand. If that was true, why didn’t I know at least my wolf parent?

No, there had to be more to the story, surely. I stayed silent, not eager to hash out my childhood trauma for this stranger’s perusal. Besides, we were here for Brielle, not me. Although…

“If I were part fae, would that explain why everyone thought I died and then I came back? Or why a wolfsbane bullet wound would heal too quickly?” I forced the words out through gritted teeth.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dirge tense, focus fastened onto me, instead of Jada. I couldn’t return his gaze, though. Not yet.

Guilt gnawed at me because I knew it had to be hurting him, this distance. I hadn’t meant to flinch when he tried to touch me. I truly hadn’t. But sometimes instinct just took over. And if anyone could understand that, surely it was him?

I made myself a promise to tell him that as soon as we had some privacy for a real conversation. It would suck, but… he was my mate. He deserved the truth.

She pursed her lips and squinted at me, then turned to whisper something in one of her mate’s ears. He whispered something in return, and anxiety began to crawl up my throat like a spider. I could feel the flush spreading through me under their scrutiny.

She contemplated long enough that I was on the verge of self-combustion by the time she finally spoke again.

“Not much is known about fae-wolf hybrids, frankly. But yes, I think it’s possible. But more than that, it’s possible you may be immortal, as are the fae. A strong enough sire or dam, the right circumstances… that mortal wound may have triggered your fae side to finally express itself after a lifetime of latency.”

My brain was running slower than nineties dial-up. It was all static and off-pitch screeches up there.


Surely not. Wolves were long-lived, yes. But did I want to stay the same while everyone I knew got old and died? We’d just seen Inuksuk in his frail later years, so the image of the future was very fresh. Hell, one of my besties could die inchildbirth. It happened more often than anyone would like to think about.

Did I want to stand by and watch that, unable to grow or change myself?

And my mate… was a wolf. A wolf who would also grow old one day. How could I be immortal if I was spirit-bound to a mortal being?

I couldn’t even begin to comprehend that possibility. So, I did what every sane, twenty-something woman did in untenable situations. I packed that shit in a mental box, duct-taped it shut, and stuck it on a shelf for another, less insane time.

I was going to live close to a thousand years anyway; I’d deal with year one thousand and one when I got there, if I got there. Besides, there was so much unknown. She could be wrong.


I finally broke down and let my eyes flick to where Dirge stood, still as a statue, but gazing at me with shock and awe.Shit.

How would he feel about being mated to some sort of fae hybrid? I didn’t know who my parents were; that hadn’t changed. But when they were both wolf shifters, it wasn’t really news. This… Would it change how he felt about me?

The carpet was suddenly very interesting as Kane cleared his throat from his position behind Bri’s seat on the couch.

“Thank you for that insight, Jada. We appreciate your wealth of knowledge on so many topics.”

Jada inclined her head magnanimously, a small smile teasing her lips. “But that’s not why you called me, so let’s get down to business.”

Kane smiled in response. “My mate has a concerning curse that is affecting her health, but also some… different abilities. Did Inuksuk tell you?—”

Jada lifted one hand, stopping him in his tracks. “Boy, I’mnot getting any younger. You think your mate is an omega, and you want me to verify.”