I felt a wave of disappointment from him.

No! I didn’t say that. I do. It’s just so different. I can tell what you’re feeling now. I don’t have to wonder anymore.

Yes. It’s perfection.He pushed his hips forward, his semistiff cock still inside me and scraping along my G-spot at this angle. I arched into his arms, letting out a low moan. This many orgasms deep, everything was sensitive.

Why do I have a feeling that your new favorite thing is going to be to spy on my feelings when we have sex?

Because you’re a brilliant doctor, and I’m a horny alpha who can’t get enough of his bond mate.

His fingertips skated over my clit again, gently circling. I felt a wave of heat and desire from him, his cock already fully hard again.

Why don’t you show me, then?

Oh, I will gladly show you as many times as you’d like, tonight and every night. And in the day, and after breakfast. With your pussy for dessert.

With an offer like that, how could a girl refuse? So I didn’t.

Epilogue – Shay

Pack Blackwater took the full moonveryseriously. We were inside the main lodge, a huge open room that they used for pack celebrations. Some of the wolves had run off in fur as soon as Brielle and Kane left the clearing, but most had come back here, to dance and drink first. A few had even snuck off to semiprivate corners, and I was pretty sure at least three couples were having sex right now.

I averted my eyes from the grabbing hands and undulating hips, focusing on the music. That was where I always hid, and I wasn’t about to change that now. My laptop was hooked up to the room’s surround system, and right now, dance music was blasting over the speakers.

“You look like you could use a drink.” Reed startled me by appearing at my side, offering me a fresh cup of punch. I carefully lowered my headphones so I wouldn’t undo all the work Leigh had put into my hair earlier in the evening.

“Thank you,” I half yelled to be heard over the speakers. Itwaswarm in here with so many people dancing, and the blood-red punch went down smoothly. Maybetoosmoothly. I was on my third—fourth?—cup, and had a happy buzz humming in my veins.

Leigh, on the other hand, was crushed up against a hot beta wolf from back home with a bottle of Jack Daniels clutched in one fist.Clearly, her mystery fever isn’t keeping her down.I didn’t think there was anything serious between them. For all her sex positivity, Leigh never slept around. She was a one-wolf kind of gal, and always had been. Maybe it would be good for her to get it out of her system. We only had three days left until we left for the Athabascan pack’s lands. Reed had let me know about the trip as soon as the ceremony ended, and I was glad Brielle was finally going to get some more information about why she had such trouble with her wolf. Hopefully, three days would be enough.

It was taking her so long to get over Marcus. It was always hard losing a relationship, but the salt in the wound when he’d left because he found his fated mate? Yeah… Even my ebullient bestie was taking time bouncing back from that, and it killed me.

Though things mightgetserious if they kept dancing like that. His thigh was pressed between hers, his hands wandering a bit too far for the dance floor—but given what was going on in the booths along the walls and the corners of the room, they weren’t that bad—and her head was thrown back wantonly as he kissed her neck.

“Would you like to dance, Shay?” Reed drew my attention away from Leigh.

Would I like to dance? Maybe. But with Reed? I perused him more closely than I usually did. He was handsome; there was no doubting that. I’m sure most women would be happy to spin around the floor with him in his three-piece suit, and perfectly styled hair. It was long enough to dig your fingers into, something most of the wolves around here didn’t bother with.

But my wolf wasnotinterested. She huffed a low sound of disapproval before curling up with her head propped on her front feet.

I shook my head no, and he accepted gracefully. He dideverythinggracefully. Even if I was into him, I’d feel awkward all the time. I was not fancy, not like him. He exuded wealth, and I lived in beat-up sneakers and hoodies.

“Oh, shit. If you’ll excuse me, I need to prevent a fistfight.” He strode off toward the dance floor, and I snapped my eyes around to look for whatever danger he’d spotted.

Oh shit is right.Gael had left his position brooding against the wall and was cutting a swath through the dance floor toward Leigh, whose beta had now dropped both hands to her ass and was kneading it through the shiny fabric of her dress.

Leigh and Gael were such a contradiction. She always seemed ready to rip his throat out, but the vibes they gave off had definitefuck buddiesenergy.

I wasn’t an expert at romance—unlike my two besties, I’d had exactly zero boyfriends since joining the Johnson City pack—but I had a feeling they were either going to get together or kill each other. There was no in-between.

Unless you counted Gael ripping the beta’s arms off and beating him with them, which it looked like he was about to do.

I quickly switched over to my premade playlist, and leapt down from the small platform stage where my DJ booth was set up to help Reed play referee.

“Where do you get off! I swear, a girl can’t even have a little fun now without the ball-busting brigade showing up. Is that what this is? You’re just morally opposed to the idea of me getting laid now?”

“Lower your voice,” Gael growled, his eyes sharp enough to cut glass.

Leigh, more than a little tipsy if the smell wafting off her was any indication, leaned her head back and cupped her mouth to amplify her next shout. “You’re not my alpha! I’ll dance with whoever I want to.” She dropped the hand megaphone and leaned in close to whisper something in his ear. Even my shifter hearing couldn’t pick it up above the pounding music, but whatever it was, she might as well have dropped a stick of dynamite.