The restof Gracelyn’s labor was smooth, and her little girl was born just before dawn to raucous cheers, and joyful tears from everyone hunkered down inside the cabin. She was tiny and perfect, with dark, curling hair and the wisest of blue eyes.
Something about a newborn baby made you step back and examine life, the wonder and beauty of it, and this time was no different. We left them tucked up in their bed, glowing with joy as a new family of three, blissfully unaware of how close they’d been to the edge, to death. Or at least, I liked to think so.
When I staggered from the cabin at Kane’s side, the sun was peeking over the treetops, and I didn’t want anything more than my bed—no,hisbed—and to sleep for a week.
We were halfway there when the same gray-and-black mottled wolf came running up. This time, though, he shifted into a salt-and-pepper-haired man. I averted my eyes from his nakedness.
“Alpha, they’re preparing the field. The challenge starts in one hour.”
Asnarl ripped from my throat that had Julius taking a wary step back. She couldn’t competenow. She’d spent the entire night awake and expending considerable energy on saving Gracelyn’s and her daughter’s lives. I owed her a life debt, and I wasn’t going to repay her for saving my pack mate by letting her go out to her own death, weak and exhausted.
“No. There are extenuating circumstances. She’s been up all night saving Gracelyn and the baby. The challenge has to be postponed.”
“No!” She jerked out of my arms, putting her hands on my hips. “You know as well as I do that there is no postponing. I fight, or I forfeit. And there’sno wayI’m giving you up. No. I’ll be there. I just need to change out of my pajamas and splash some cold water on my face. Cup of coffee. I’ll be fine. Tell them I’m coming.”
She leveled a determined look at Julius, and he shifted back, bolting before I had a chance to argue or skin his hide. She turned slowly, seeing the darkness lurking in my eyes.
“You can’t do this, Brielle. Please, don’t do this to me. Don’t make me watch you fight today. Not after what you did for my pack. You were excellent, utter perfection. And it will rip my heart out of my chest to watch you risk yourself for me.”
She placed a whisper-soft palm on my cheek, stroking with her thumb, making my wolf howl in despair. “Kane, son of Kosta, son of Konstantin, high alpha of wolves… I love you. I love you, I choose you, I will fight this fight to claim you, andI will not lose.”
She pressed up on her toes and sealed her lips to mine, the effect instantaneous. Every cell of my body wanted her, so I wove my fingers into her hair, tipping her head back. I deepened the kiss, parting her luscious lips and delving deep. She gave so sweetly, everything she had, holding nothing back, and a rumble rattled free of my chest as my blood heated and I resisted the urge to take her down to the ground and claim her right here.
When the kiss was done, she pulled back, a sadness in her eyes that struck me like a knife to my chest. I couldn’t breathe when she looked at me that way. Without another word, she turned and jogged off toward the dormitories. She left me standing alone in the too-still forest, watching her take my heart away with her.
The ground was prepared,the crowd gathered. The large earthen circle was ringed with spectators already, though neither challenger was yet present. The quiet, constant murmur mixed with the energy of so many wolves in the air had my teeth on edge.
“High alpha! We’ve got a place for you here.”
Vance, Alpha of the Northern Territories pack, was smiling,jovial, at the thought of a challenge today. While I knew it would be awful diplomacy to do it, in that moment, it was only my iron control that kept me from eviscerating him. My mate was not to be used forsport, wolf way or not.
Alpha Todd of Johnson City stood scowling at his side, his mood much more closely resembling mine. As I approached, he shoved forward, stepping in front of the other male.
“I would like to formally contest that this challengenotbe to the death, on behalf of Brielle of the Johnson City pack.”
I nodded solemnly, as if I were considering the request and hadn’t already arranged every one of my enforcers around the circle in plain clothes. Each and every one had orders to step in before a killing blow against Brielle could be struck, or sooner if she fainted out of her wolf form.
I knew the law. I knew the old ways, that I would be expected to bond and mate Jasline. But I wouldn’t, not when I knew what fate had for me. She could issue the challenge, and I might have to see it through, but I could and would still reject her. There was no wolf alive or dead that had the power to force my teeth into her neck.
“I accept your request. The challenge will be to submission.”
Vance growled, joviality gone in an instant. “You expect Jasline to live and lead at your side with one eye over her shoulder? No! A challenge is to the death. You can’t change the terms now. I won’t stand for it.”
I turned ice-cold eyes on him and stepped up to his chest. He was a good four inches shorter than I, and craned his neck back, looking up at me. He met my eyes in rank defiance of the differences of our position.
“If you find my decision flawed, you are more than welcome to issue a challenge of your own, and we will use this circle for a death match. The she-wolves can fight another day.” Normally, I had to hold in my dominance, pull back on the alpha power that rode me so heavily, but for once, I let it all out to hang in the air like a cloak.
Gael was at my side, adding menace to the threat as the weaker alpha choked and grabbed his throat.
He waved a hand and backed away as he lowered his gaze. When I eased up just enough so the man could breathe again, he finally gasped an answer. “No, High Alpha. I do not wish to issue a challenge. We will accept the modified terms of submission.”
“As it should be. Tell your wolves that ifanyshould cross me or defy my decree, I will put the offender to death by my own hand.”
“Yes, Alpha.”