“Brielle! It’s Reed. We need you. Gracelyn’s baby is coming, and she’s not doing well. John Henry asked that you come and assist.”
Oh, Goddess. Not Gracelyn. Not the baby.
I bolted for my medical supply bag without bothering to turn on the lights, fear crawling through my veins like ants. I jammed my feet into tennis shoes, cursing myself the whole time for not bringing a more extensive medical kit.
In a minute flat, I was yanking the door open on a worried Reed, Gael right behind with his arms crossed. Any other time, I’d have been embarrassed by my bedhead and pajamas, but in an emergency, I didn’t give a flying flip how I looked. I had a mother and baby to help.
“Where is she?”
“Their cottage, the same one we took you to last time. I know it’s awful timing, but—”
“Don’t say another word. There is no way I’m not helping. Let’s go.” I stepped out of the room, and Reed nodded and held out an arm to lead the way.
“Us too,” Leigh said, standing next to Shay in the doorway.
Gael held up a hand to stop them. “No. You two are still on lockdown, and we don’t need to draw more attention to the fact that Brielle isn’t here. The last thing we need is an attack on their cabin while Gracelyn’s in distress.”
Shay worried her bottom lip between her teeth, looking pleadingly at me to step in. Before I could, Leigh got into Gael’s personal space, both hands on his chest as she shoved him back.
He barely rocked on his feet, despite how strong she was. “You listen here—we can help. We might not be doctors, but wealwaysgo with her to attend rough births. Do you know how exhausting it is? How much can go wrong? She needs help she’s comfortable with, and we won’t get in the way. You can try to stop me, but I swear to the Goddess, I will not be locked in this room another second.”
He growled, the sound reverberating in the empty hallway, the alpha dominance making me shift back on my heels.
“What’s going on here?” Kane’s words were like ice, cutting through the tension and making every head snap his direction.
“Leigh is trying to defy your orders to stay in the room.”
“Shay and IassistBrielle with births back in Texas. She needs us, if this is a bad one. Don’t deny Gracelyn help right now for a threat that’s not even aimed at us.”
“Let them come. Whatever will save Gracelyn and the baby.”
Gael stepped back, but he didn’t take his eyes off Leigh, not for a second, and I would swear I saw flames in his eyes.
Those two are going to burn the place down if they don’t work out their differences soon.
I ran down the hall, leaving Reed behind as I caught up with Kane. He kissed me briefly on the temple, but we didn’t stop for a lengthy reunion. He took my bag, and then we jogged down the stairs, everyone else hot on our heels.
Gracelyn’s wailof pain cracked through the night before we even saw the cabin through the trees, and I bolted toward the sound. Something was very wrong if she sounded like that.
I didn’t stop to knock or wait to be invited in, I just flew through the door, where I spotted John Henry, pacing with a devastated look on his face.
I skidded to a stop at his side. “What’s going on? What’s wrong?”
“I’m not sure, honestly. She was doing okay, in early labor, and then she started screaming. The pup’s fighting it, and her blood pressure is low. I’m worried there’s a bleed, but I don’t know where or how to stop it.”
“Shit. I’ll see what I can do.”
Following the sounds of pain, I let myself into the bedroom. Shay was on my heels, Leigh right behind her as I cracked open the door. “Gracelyn? I’m here. Can I come in and help you?”
“Nobody can help me! I’m dying, I’m dying.” She sobbed, curled sideways on the bed and clutching her stomach.
“Please help her.” Adam’s voice was hoarse, his face pale and haggard as he knelt on the edge of the bed, looking helpless.
“We’re coming in. You’re not dying on my watch, you hear me? I’m not a quitter, and I didn’t think you were either. Where does it hurt?”
“Everywhere. It hurts everywhere.”
Her desperate voice cut me to the quick.