Iwatched in stony silence as the last of my father’s body turned to ash, and floated away on the breeze. His pyre was the biggest I’d ever seen, as befitted the high alpha of all wolves.
I didn’t let myself think about how large my pyre would one day be, or about my mother’s, burning together with my father from halfway around the world. I couldn’t, because then I’d start sliding back into the darkness, the angry red clawing at my vision and sucking me into mindless rage. No, I wouldn’t think about that.
For now, I needed to make an announcement to the packs. Move forward, solidify Brielle’s position as my mate, and let everyone know that I wasn’t an unmated weakling, easy to challenge and topple. Hotheads would still challenge me, of course, and I’d be forced to end them, as was wolf custom. But hopefully not today.
The red rage was right there, beckoning me like a lover, and the only lover I wanted from now on was the stunning brunette clasping my hand tightly in hers as if to stop me from blowing away with my father.
As if I’d leave her side while I still breathed. Never. I’d had three days of that, and I never wanted to spend another night without her in my arms, in my bed. She made me whole, and focusing on her light kept me from sliding into that endless pit of rage.
I gestured to Reed, and he nodded, knowing the signal to round up the packs for my announcement.
“What’s happening?” Brielle whispered close to my ear, and I rumbled. My wolf sensed her unease, and had to soothe it, regardless of the crowd.
“I need to address the packs now that I’m high alpha. It shouldn’t take long, and then we can retire for a private reception.”
“Ahh. I hate that you have to work minutes after saying goodbye to your father. Nobody should have to do that, not even the high alpha.”
I shrugged. It was not that I was indifferent to my father’s death—no,murder; I would never forget that someone had taken the coward’s way and stolen him from me—far from it. But he’d raised me to put the packs first. My duty came first, to my mate, to my wolves, and then to the packs. My grief would be there for many years to come, whether I did my duty or not. So, I would do my duty.
And then I would seek justice. My parents’ killer could not be allowed to roam unpunished.
We trailed toward a raised stage, which had been intended to share announcements regarding the pack gathering, new mates and bonds forged between the packs. I felt hollowed out inside as I released Brielle and climbed the steps to address the heads of all packs, now my wolves to rule and protect.
They were nearly silent for a group so large, their somber moods fitting the occasion. I appreciated their respect. I couldn’t say what I felt as I looked over them, their upturned faces underlining the weight of what I was about to take on for the rest of my life. I glanced at Brielle, each of her hands clasped by Leigh and Shay, their eyes trained on me. She gave me an encouraging nod, and I started to speak.
“My father was a good man and Alpha, fair and wise to all he protected. His death was unexpected, and yet, he didn’t leave me unprepared. My entire life, he has been training me. Grooming me for this worst of all days, when he would no longer be here to offer a word of guidance, to lead the packs. And while I may never be as great a man as he, I stand before you ready and willing to accept the pack bonds.
“I, Kane, son of Kosta, son of Konstantin, accept the pack bonds, and all that is entailed therein.”
With that done, I stepped forward to the edge of the stage and waited.
There was a long moment of silence, and then wolves began to move, streaming toward the stage. Gael was first, and he bowed his head as he dropped to one knee.
“I, Gael, of Pack Blackwater, accept this bond and covenant. I pledge my life to your service. Long live Kane, high alpha of the wolves.”
He rose and clapped a hand over his heart before stepping aside, turning his back to the stage to monitor for threats. Ever vigilant, ever my second.
Reed was next, repeating the oaths. When he rose he pointed up to me, then returned to stand at Brielle’s back, protecting my heart.
Next came the other Alphas. One by one, they dropped to a knee and took the oaths. With every one, a new pack bond flared to life in my chest. For through the Alphas, I felt the packs.
By the time the tenth had knelt and pledged, my chest was a nuclear reactor of power. Had my father carried this all with him daily? He’d never acted like it bothered him, but if I gave in to the urge to go feral now, I might wipe out the entire continent. I let my gaze flicker back to Brielle. She was still there, chin high and eyes fixed on me. There was a proud smile on her face as she watched me, and it was like electricity charging my control. I could do this, so long as she was there smiling at me like that.
Sweat beaded on my brow as the line of Alphas dwindled, but I managed to accept pack after pack without crumbling, without combusting.
When no more Alphas stepped forward, I moved back to the center of the stage to make my next announcement.
“Your loyalty and trust mean more to me than you could ever know, and I will do all in my power to earn it over the decades. I am pleased to announce that I will not be ruling alone.”
A ripple of shock rolled through the crowd, murmurs and gasps reaching my sensitive ears all the way from the back row.
“Much to my father’s joy and intent for this gathering, I’ve found my fated mate.” I waved for Brielle to join me on the stage, and she paled, but stepped forward, all eyes in the crowd turning toward her for the first time, sizing her up.
“We have not yet completed the bond, but will do so as soon as is appropriate after completing the mourning rites.” Hopefully, she’d forgive me for announcing that without discussing it with her, but I couldn’t wait a day longer than necessary to have her, and I didn’t want anyone getting the idea that I was unsure, or that they might slip in and steal me from her. She smiled at me, a private smile, telling me she agreed and causing a burst of joy in my chest.
“I challenge for mating rights to High Alpha Kane!” The shout rose from the back of the crowd, and everyone froze for a half second before chaos broke out. Gael moved to stand in front of Brielle, putting himself between her and the crowd, as a snarl ripped from my throat. I couldn’t identify who’d spoken at first, but the crowd began to part as a tall, muscular she-wolf pushed forward.