“No, he didn’t. I was up last night and checked. He slept in the hallway, right on the floor,” Shay said from the bathroom, where she was towel-drying her hair.

A liquid warmth pooled in my stomach at the thought of him, and try as I might, I couldn’t push it away. With shaking limbs, I levered myself to standing. I was proud that I wobbled only briefly under Leigh’s critical eye before steadying myself.Who’s a badass? I didn’t even spill a drop of my tea!

My third step toward the door, I tripped over a stray bag strap and nearly ate the carpet, were it not for the handy desk I caught myself on.

Okay, okay. Not a badass. Still impressive… sometimes.

Leigh made a distressed sound low in her throat as I reached the door to their dorm room, but she knew from past full-moon catastrophes that I was very stubborn postshift. And if Kane, son of Kosta, son of Konstantin, High Alpha Heir of the nine great packs was on his tail outside my doorway, I needed to see it with my own eyes.

My hand was rock steady when I reached for the doorknob and twisted to push it open. The soft scrape of the door hinges interrupted his pacing, his eyes jerking up to mine like we were two magnets, helpless to stop the relentless force pulling us together.

There were so many questions in his eyes, and I didn’t have any good answers. I only knew I needed to see him, needed to make sure he was okay after my rejection, wordless though it had been.


One word. Seven little letters. So why did they sound like a benediction on his lips?

He crossed the space between us in a heartbeat, but stopped centimeters shy of touching me, hands hovering.

I hated that space, but simultaneously needed to guard it. That space was to keephimsafe. I owed him that, even if my weakness hadn’t sent him running for the hills.

There was no choice but to stay strong, I told myself as I looked up into his bottomless green eyes. As my body swayed toward his without my permission.

“Kane,” I whispered, unable to stay silent a second longer, or I was going to fling myself at him.

His eyes flickered shut, relief washing his features at the sound of my voice. My wolf hadn’t woken yet, but I could still feel a primalpushthat was hard to deny.

“How are you feeling? Do you need something? Anything?”

NotWhy did you push me away? Why were you such a bitch? Who do you think you are?

No, none of that.

How are you? Do you need anything?

Now it was my turn to let my eyelids droop, try to hold back the tears burning at the corners of my eyes. Goddess, why did he have to be so perfect? This would be so much easier if he stayed the alpha asshole I thought he was that first night.

I shook my head, unable to speak yet without giving away my emotions.

“Can we talk?” he tried again, and I looked back up. His sincerity made me want to weep, but I had to stay strong. Did that mean I couldn’t talk to him, though? At least explain that we couldn’t be together?

Goddess. It would shatter me to watch him move on, find a strong alpha she-wolf to make stunningly beautiful babies with. But he would, so long as I didn’t tie him to myself, and my one-way-ticket-to-death faulty genetics.

“Please, Brielle. There’s so much we need to say to each other. I’ll wait as long as it takes. I already spoke to my father, told him about the mate bond. He’s thrilled, and we’re excused from all further activities. I just want a little bit of your time, and I’ll make it worth your while. There are some beautiful hot springs not too far from here, and they’re our pack’s favorite place to go when we need a pick-me-up.”

Sinking neck-deep into a hot spring sounded like utter bliss. But… it also meant swimwear. Could I keep my hands off him if I let him take me there? I could not let the bond go any further and risk him dying with me when it was my time to go.

I set my jaw. I could do it. What was one hour? I could doanythingfor an hour. I might not be physically strong, but I was mentally tough.

“Yes, we do need to talk. Hot springs sound great. I’ll need another day or two, though. I’m not very steady yet—” As if to emphasize my point, I canted to the side. He caught me with a polite hand on my elbow, the virile heat of him singeing me even from such a simple touch.

“The hot springs have great healing properties. You’d probably feel better much quicker if we went right away. If you’re willing, I’d gladly carry you the whole way. A mate’s touch can also speed the healing process, which I’m sure you know.”

I did know, and the offer made a lump rise in my throat. How could I say yes, but how could I say no?

“Come on, Brielle. I promise not to take advantage. I just want to talk about everything that’s happened. Please. My wolf is demanding that I care for you, be with you. He wants nothing more than to see you well. Nothing… else.”

I was barely upright and tired as hell, yet here came this sexy-as-sin alpha talking aboutnot taking advantageand I wanted to jump his bones, right there in the hallway.