Namely, ride him down to the ground, tear his clothes off with my teeth, and have my way with him right here, regardless of who was standing around watching.
“Put me down, Kane.”
“Baby, you needed me. Shay was in real danger, and I knew you’d never forgive yourself if you actually hurt her.”
“All I need right now is to be standing on my own two feet and to have a mate who doesn’t believe I’m a lost cause and too weak to stand by his side.”
He jerked back as if I’d physically hit him and loosened his grip enough for me to slide down his tantalizing body to the ground.
“Shay, are you okay?” I asked, never letting my eyes leave Kane’s. There was turmoil there, and I sensed we weren’t done with this conversation.
“I’m fine, Bri. But Leigh’s not allowed to talk any more while we spar. I think you cracked a couple of my ribs.”
Leigh snickered from somewhere behind me, not the least bit concerned about taking things too far.
“I could never think you’re a lost cause, Brielle. How could you think that?”
“How could I think that? Are you kidding me? You flat-out said that alphas are supposed to mate with alphas. That I didn’t have a chance at beating her. That doesn’t sound like a lost cause to you?”
He stepped forward, reaching for me again, but I stepped out of reach, jerking my chin up as I stared him down. Awkward when he was so much taller than me.
“I was angry and afraid, and I said things I didn’t mean.” His tone was so even. A small part of me thought I should give in, accept his apology. But the other part of me? The wild part deep down? She wanted to stomp out that train of thought completely. Make him see that we weren’t weak. We were his perfect mates, and that meant we were strong enough for whatever his position, his title, his designation threw at us.
“That’s not how it works, Kane. Deep down, you believed every word you said. When emotions are high, that’s when the truth comes out. You might think you’re okay with me being psi—or even omega—but when the rubber meets the road, you’re not.” He tried to interject, but I held up a hand, and he bit his bottom lip. “You’renot. But you’re wrong about something. My designation isn’t a flaw, it isn’t a problem. It’swho I am, but it’s not all that I am. I can be strong and omega. I can be fierce and protective and fight at your side—and still not be alpha. Because I have so much more deep down than you’ve taken the time to see, Kane. And if this challenge is what it takes to prove that to you, then I’m glad it happened. Because I can’t mate with someone who sees me as weak.”
The muscles in his jaw flexed, and his next words were slow, measured. “Are you rejecting our bond?”
“No. I’m proving that I’m your equal first.”
He stepped forward again, a half step, as if I were a terrified elk calf and he the big bad wolf. “You’re wrong about that, Brielle. You’re not my equal. You’re so much more. You’re kind and intelligent. You treat everyone as if they’re worthwhile. You’re stunningly beautiful. And you… you’re my other half. The one my wolf has chosen. And I’m so sorry that I made you feel less than. It was never my intention. I wanted to protect you, keep you safe at my side. I never meant to put you into danger.”
His eyes were anguished as he continued. “I’m the one who’s supposed to take all the danger, be the protector, your safe space. The fact that this she-wolf is challenging you simply because you’re my mate…”
“Hey, stop that. You did a crappy thing. Said some things that were hurtful, absolutely. But, Kane, you can’t take responsibility for someone else’s actions. You announced what should have been good news, and she took advantage ofmyweakness. It’s no secret to any of the wolves gathered here that I can’t hold my shift. If I’m honest… I can see why strong wolves like her might not see me as fit to be mate to the high alpha.”
“They’re wrong.” Goose bumps rose on my arms, my chest tightening at his words. There was so much conviction there, and he gripped me by the back of the neck and peered into my eyes as he spoke again, “You are everything. They just can’t see it yet.” His thumb stroking the tender skin of my cheek had tears pooling in my eyes.
This was my mate, my heart. The man I loved. I sucked in a breath through my nose at the realization.
“You said I can be omega… Do you think it’s true? Have you accepted the possibility?” Had I? His words nearly knocked me on my ass.
Something was different with Kane around. I didn’t know what, but I was changing. I felt stronger, and I’d been able to do things—hold power—that I hadn’t before. And somewhere, deep inside, it felt right, even though it made no sense.
“I think it’s a possibility, but I have no idea how,” I admitted.
He nodded, eyes serious as they held mine. “I do too. We’ll find out. There has to be someone out there who knows, and we’ll find them.”
It was a big risk for him to knowingly flout the anti-Omega laws. One he took without question, for me. I loved him. It had only been days, but I knew he was mine. Now, I just had to prove it to the rest of the packs.
The words wereon the tip of my tongue, when the sounds of a wolf arrowing toward us through the woods had us all spinning in case of a threat.
The wolf was short and fast, steel gray around the muzzle, with vibrant blue eyes and thick, gray-and-black mottled fur.
Kane squeezed my nape lightly in reassurance before releasing me.
“Julius, what is it?” He turned toward the wolf, clearly familiar with him.
He whined low in his throat, and then jerked his head toward the main lodge.