He dropped his nose into my hair and drew in a deep lungful of my scent before asking softly, “Do you want them here?”
I nodded, just once, still unable to speak over the intense pain in my middle. He stepped into the room, leaving the door open for them to follow.
But it wasn’t just them, because Gael and Reed were right on their heels, and didn’t bother to ask before following us inside and locking the door.
“What the hell just happened?” Gael demanded, looking rapidly back and forth between me and Kane, though Kane was ignoring him, adjusting the pillows on my bed in silence, before settling himself against them, still holding me tightly.
Once the motion stopped, it started to sink in that I was clutched against his very hot, verybarechest, and my heart sped for an entirely different reason. It was absolutely the wrong time to be turned on, but tell that to my lady bits, which practically flooded at this proximity to all his hard muscles wrapped in seriously the best scent I’d ever smelled.
I wanted to lick him, trace every deliciously cut muscle with my tongue.
Holy hell, I needed to slow down. I didn’t evenlikethis guy, and I wasn’t going to be licking anyone, whether or not that denial made my wolf whine sadly.Suck it up, buttercup. We don’t lick dickish alphas who think they’re too good for us, no matter how good they smell.
Or how achingly right it felt to be hugged against his chest, cradled as if I were precious to him.
She huffed and lay down, dropping her head to her paws. It was then I remembered that we were very muchnotalone, and Gael was waiting on an answer that I didn’t have.
“He touched her. Not a handshake. He pulled her against his body, and I defended her, as is my right as her—” He stopped as if grinding his back teeth, and then continued. “As is my right as Alpha here.”
“Yeah, I clocked that part,” Gael said drily. “I’m asking how the hell apsiwas able to halt two alphas in the middle of a fight where first blood had already been drawn. I saw the look in your eyes. You were going to the death.”
Kane nodded once in acknowledgment, but didn’t offer an answer.
I certainly didn’t have one.
“I’ll tell you how. She’s not a psi.”
Reed’s voice held such awe and disbelief, it pulled me from my intense focus on Brielle. I looked up to find his eyes glowing blue, his wolf pushing to the forefront in a rare loss of control.
It seemed we were all lacking in control since Brielle walked into my life.
It took a moment for his words to sink in, and I stiffened. “What do you mean, she’s not a psi? How can you deny what’s sitting right in front of you?”
A low growl echoed through the room, and it took a moment to realize it was coming from my throat. I cut it off, but the damage was done. He knew I was riled, on edge.
“That’s just it, I’m not denying it. Her. When has a psi been able to do what she’s done?”
I gripped her tighter, not sure where he was going with this line of questioning, but not liking it one bit, regardless.
“Just spit it out, Reed. We’re all tense.” Gael’s tone brooked no objections, and Reed sighed.
“The instant you saw her, she triggered your mate bond. You, Kane. The most powerful alpha on the grounds, save your father, who’s already mated. She then rebuffed you and still managed to call a halt to a blooded fight between twoverydominant males.”
I growled again at the reminder of that damn Russo male, who dared to touch what was mine.
But… mating bonds?
I racked my brain, trying to follow his line of thought and coming up empty.
“It’s rare, Reed, but it’s not without precedent that an alpha’s mated a psi before, and perhaps their bond is solidifying more quickly than usual. So what? Doesn’t mean she’s not psi.” Gael ran a hand through his hair, looking annoyed with the entire discussion.
Reed took a step forward, that fervent light still in his eyes. “Tell me, Brielle, how do you feel right now?”
“Tired, mostly. My stomach hurts.” I gripped her tighter at that. What was wrong with her stomach? If that bastard had hurt her—