Page 30 of One of Six

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I try to suppress my anger, knowing that Evelyn is right. I can't let my emotions get the best of me, especially when I have no proof of what happened. I hold Evelyn's gaze. "I'm okay now. You might need to remind me of that once in a while."

A tingle of unease creeps over me, furrowing my brows. I turn to find Jason approaching. I narrow my eyes at the man.

"Beatrice," he says, holding out his hands, which I ignore, "I'm sorry for your loss."

Evelyn slips away while I concentrate on the asshole. "Why are you here?" I look at him, and if Richard worked him over last night, it couldn't have been that bad, because there are no bruises or cuts that I can see.

"Look," he comes closer, "I'm sorry about what happened on the date. I really screwed up. It won't happen again." He takes a breath and backs out of my space. "I thought you might need someone to talk to."

"I have someone to talk to. Thank you anyway. Now if you'll excuse me." I quickly move away so I'm out of reach and sigh with relief as I see Mr. Gleeson enter the house.

"Beatrice, dear. I am so sorry about your dear mother." Mr. Gleeson hugs me tightly and I sink into him for a moment. "Are you all right?" he whispers.

"I will be." I pull away. "Thanks for helping me."

"Anytime." He clears his throat, his eyes glancing over my shoulder. "Sheriff," he mutters as David comes to my side. "I was shocked to hear about your sister-in-law. Is there any news about the perpetrator?"

"Not yet... I'd like to speak with my niece." David takes my arm and leads me into the kitchen. "Jason is here. Richard wants him to help you with this."

I pull my arm free and move around the counter, away from the man. "I don't need any help. I certainly don't need or want Jason."

His lips twitch and he runs a hand through his cropped dark hair. "You need to keep the peace," he says.

I take a step closer and a surge of adrenaline rushes through me at the prospect of surprising him. "I will never marry Jason. I don't want anything to do with him. He was the one who set Richard off last night."

He frowns. "I don't know anything about that."

"Ask him." I clear my throat and grin at Cherilyn Bradley, who has been after David for a long time. Mom used to call her 'the Merry Widow.’ "Hello, Mrs. Bradley."

"Beatrice, I am so sorry about your mom, honey." She puts one hand on my arm and the other on David's.

"Excuse me," he says, bursting into the back of the house.

Mrs. Bradley hides a grin. "That man will be caught someday."

Choking on spit, I take a sip of the drink she offers me, and I feel fire burn down my throat. Evelyn comes over and shoves a glass of water into my hand.

"What was in that?" I hiss.

"Gin! Maybe that wasn't the ideal drink to help," Cherilyn admits.

I shake my head. "Instead of teasing David, why don't you ask him out?" If David is busy, his attention will be diverted from what I am doing. On the other hand, would I be setting her up for the same treatment my mother received?

"I'm not sure," she says, just as Richard gets my attention.

"Richard's calling me over. Please excuse me."

I've had enough of being on display as I approach Richard and Jason. I look between them. "I've been here for two hours. I'm done."

"I was thinking the same thing. Why don't you go get some fresh air with Jason?"

I stare at Richard in disbelief. "No." I focus my eyes on Jason. "I already told him I'm not interested." To Richard, "We have an agreement, and he is part of it. Remember?" At these words I enter the kitchen and find Evelyn.

"I'm done, Evelyn. Is there anything I can take upstairs to eat since I'm going to lock my door until morning?"

"We have enough food to feed the town for a week." She winces. "I put your favorite to one side, though."

I raise an eyebrow.