She continues to screech in my ear, and I can’t help but laugh.
“I take it you like your Christmas present?”
“Yes! A thousand times, yes! We are going to have so much fun at the concert!”
Jansen takes one look at the shock on my face and immediately laughs at me. “Me?” I ask.
“Of course! You’re my best friend, you bought me the tickets, of course you’re coming.”
Jansen snatches my phone and puts it on speaker. “Are you asking Clara to go to a country music concert with you?”
I go to take my phone back, but he leans away from me, keeping it out of my reach. “Yeah. Sorry. I was eavesdropping. I’m not sure Clara’s your best bet. She’ll say yes, of course, because she loves you. But if you could see her face right now, I don’t think she was expecting to be your first choice of date. If you knew my sister, I’d say take her. Ramblin’ Moxie is one of her favorites too.”
There’s a long pause on the other end before Emma responds, syrup in her tone. “Say, Jansen, is your sister hot?”
“That’s like, a peak awkward question, Emma. She looks like me, but a girl, if that helps.”
“Is she our age?”
“She graduated college last year.”
“She wouldn’t, by chance, be into girls?”
“Emma!” I shout.
“What? This sounds like the best lead I’ve had in the romance department in months! While you have likely been getting more orgasms than you can feasibly enjoy, I’ve been holding down the fort solo, so to speak. Sorry, Jansen. This part of the conversation isn’t for you. Cover your ears.”
“Too late. And as a matter of fact, she’s very much into girls.”
I groan as Emma coos. “Any chance she’s around for the holidays and I can just happen to run into her at your place and hit it off?”
“She’ll be driving down for a show over break. I was planning on dragging Clara along to support her, but you’re more than welcome to tag along, especially now that I know you’ll like what she plays.”
“She’s a musician too? Clara, I need pictures of this girl, stat.”
“Singer, guitar, and banjo.”
“I’m swooning. It’s a date. Hopefully, we’ll hit it off. Look at this, Clara. Not only did you get me the best gift, you might have gotten me a date to go with it.”
“That wasn’t my plan, but if it works, I guess go for it?”
“You know I will.”
Jansen squirms. “Ew. Too much for my delicate baby brother ears, Emma.”
She cackles, and Jansen finally gives me back the phone. I take it off of speaker. “It’s just me, Em. If you want me to go to the concert, or if you decide Evie isn’t your type, I’m on it. And thank you for the wonderful gift. It literally made me cry too hard to call and say thanks when I got it. So, thanks.”
“Of course. Any favorite flavors?”
“Not yet. But I haven’t done a full taste test. I’ll get back to you.”
“And if you need to talk, or better yet, if you need someone to keep you company in jail, you know who to call.”
Snickering, I pull on my mittens while Jansen does the same. “Got it. I’ve got to hang up. Jansen and I were justheading out, but I’ll call you tomorrow and you can tell me all about the Johnson family Christmas, okay?”