The exits zip by as I think about it. “How am I supposed to act both confident enough for strangers to not judge me while also be uninteresting enough for Trips’ dad to leave me alone?”
Summer taps her fingers against the wheel, the exit for the house approaching faster than I thought possible. “Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve only ever had to be one thing at a time.”
“What are you going to be tonight?”
“Charming with a side of adorable.” She flashes me a smile that could melt the iciest of hearts, and I know there’s so much more to Summer than she’s telling me.
A strange thought bubbles up in me, likely brought on by my pending panic.
“What?” Summer asks, as I chortle a weird gasp of laughter while she flies up the exit.
“It’s just, it’s like we’re talking about Halloween costumes, only it’s real life,” I sputter.
Summer stares at me for a second before slipping around the block and slamming to a stop in front of the house. “You know, you’re not far off. When in doubt, think of getting laid and you’ll end up with the right amount of superiority on your face to make it through.”
My sputter turns into hysterical laughter, and the hint of a smile she gives me melting the last of the ice princess from her demeanor.
“You can’t be serious?”
“Try it and see what happens. You might be surprised how similar those two looks can be.”
I roll my eyes, my fingers slipping into the handle. “Right. I’m sure thinking about sex will gain me peak respect from the old money crowd.”
“Works for me.”
Shaking my head, I pop the door open, icy air flooding in. “Thanks, Summer. This was almost fun. We should try again when I don’t have the impending doom of a Westerhouse party hanging over my head.”
“I’d like that.”
“Then let’s make it happen. Numbers?”
We exchange numbers, then she flies from the street. Only when I turn to the house, Officer Reed stands between me and safety. He peels his eyes away from Summer’s swiftly vanishing car and does a double take, obviously not expecting me to look like a debutante. ”Heading out?” he asks, taking in my jeans under my jacket.
“Eventually. I thought I was supposed to contact you.”
“I was worried you’d forget.”
“I haven’t.” Swallowing, I trust in the bravery I’ve found. “I want the deal. How do you want the info?”
“You could tell me.”
“I’d rather give it to you. As I find it. Do you still use those thumb drive things?”
The look he gives me says that while we’re not too far apart in age, I just made him feel ancient. “Yes. I can take information on a thumb drive.”
“Can you wait out here for like, ten minutes?”
He nods to his car a few houses down. “I’ll wait there.”
“Okay. Sure.”
“Wait,” he calls. “Has there been anything else from Bryce?”
My hands fold into fists. “Of course. He’s taking his threats wide. RJ ended up in jail from some suspiciously loose lug nuts.”
“You sure it was him?”
“He sent pictures.”