It’s not until around four in the afternoon that I realize Walker is trying to distract me. He’s been doing an excellent job of it, and I’m happily munching on cheese and crackers to recoup some energy when it dawns on me that I haven’t seen RJ or Jansen once today.
“Are you going to tell me why you’re being so attentive?” I ask, as Walker folds the chocolate chips into the batter he’s working on.
He turns from me, pulling out a cookie sheet. “Maybe I just like spending time with you.”
Slipping around the island, I wrap him up in a hug from behind. “That’s part of it, I’m sure. But you’re keeping secrets.”
He spins in my arms, laughing when I squeeze his ass. “Fine, you crazy lady. I am keeping secrets, but they’re not bad ones. RJ and Jansen are working tonight, but it’s not forthe business. It’s a surprise for you. You’re just going to have to live with not knowing.”
“A surprise? For me?”
“Yup. It’s from all of us, but RJ and Jansen can handle this one solo.”
“Is it dangerous?”
“Only slightly more dangerous than you and Jay stealing cars every few days. And they’ve been prepping for about a week. It’ll be fine.”
“Don’t the holidays make it hard to predict what’s normal? Is it a public place or a private place?” A thought strikes me. “Are there guns?”
He kisses my forehead. “I’m sure they’re fine.”
“And if they’re not?”
“Then we’ll figure it out. Want to pick out a movie?”
I groan. “You know I’m not going to relax knowing they’re out there and could be in danger.”
“Clara, we’ve been doing this for years. And this is a tiny job. Nothing like the ones you’ve been on. You trust Jansen when you’re out getting cars, right? You trust that if anything goes sideways, he’ll have your back and get you safely away from trouble.”
“Well, yeah.”
“And you trust RJ to do whatever he’s been doing that has you talking to cops, right?”
“You could ask for details. I don’t think it’s a secret.”
“He’ll tell me when he wants me to know. But you trust him, right?”
“Of course.”
“Then trust that they know what they’re doing. And that you and I would be superfluous. So we’ll watch a movie, eat some cookies, and then I might even show you the drawings I’ve been working on.”
“As long as you taste test my cookies, have something fun to drink, and chill with me on the couch.”
“Your version of bribery is weird.”
“If it works.”
I end up adding some cherry tomatoes to my cheese and crackers, and Walker gets us both a glass of wine. Then we watchThe Thomas Crown Affair, and I make it through an entire cookie.
Now that I understand exactly how it feels to pull off a heist, my favorite genre of movies hits differently. Like, these stars play the thieves as suave and debonair. When really, there’s always something that ruins the plan. Always some detail that changes or gets missed. And unlike the movies, there’s no guaranteed happy ending for the thieves. Death and jail are as likely as a picturesque fade to black.
I want to guarantee a happy ending for my guys. And I guess now, for me too.
I want my happy ending.