“Keep driving.”
“You drive, you bastard,” she bites back, blinking fast to keep her eyes open.
Laughing, I dig my other hand into her curls. “I don’t remember getting an assist last time.”
She goes nearly rigid in my arms, and as I circle her clit once again, she pulls into a random parking lot, barely gettingthe car into park before she’s screaming, my fingers squeezed tight as waves of pleasure ripple through her.
Wish she were squeezing something better than my fingers.
But I’m not sure fucking while driving is a good idea. Which, coming from me, probably means it’s an exponentially stupid idea.
The sweet, tangy scent of her fills the car, and she slumps back, her head resting in the crux of my arm, but I don’t take back my hand.
Tiny little hugs against my fingers linger, and I cherish every one.
“Good?” I ask.
“Dangerous.” She blinks her eyes open, looking up at me. “But yeah. Good.” Her eyes drift closed again, but then they pop right back open. “When did you unbuckle? I could have killed you!”
“I trust you,” I say, adjusting myself with my free hand.
“You shouldn’t.” Her gaze drops to my obvious erection, and the way her tongue just barely touches her lip. Man. “Dangerous choices might get you in trouble,” she whispers as I slip my fingers from her heat.
“I look forward to my punishment.” And I really fucking do.
She glances into the back seat before strangling the steering wheel. “Later.”
I lick my fingers clean, her eyes following the path my tongue takes around each digit. “Anticipation. Kinky,” I tease.
She lets out a strangled laugh before shimmying herself back into her pants. “We never did talk about that. Were you really okay with, well, me taking charge?”
“It was hot as fuck.”
“Okay. Cool.” She pulls back onto the road, the snow piling down on the windshield, street signs hard to read.
The dang electricity that lives under my skin spikes. “Unless you didn’t like it. That’s okay, too.”
She shoots me a panicked look. “No. I did. It was fun. I just feel like I need to do research. I don’t want to hurt you, you know?”
Leaning over, my damn erection still hard as fuck, I kiss her cheek. “I’m durable. If you ever just want to take what you need, I’m your guy.”
She flashes me a grin. “Got it. But let me know if you don’t like something. Either during or after or whatever. Do you think we need one of those safe words?”
It’s my turn to laugh. “Why not? How about watermelon?”
“Why watermelon?”
I shrug. “Because it sounds good right now, but I know they’ll be super gross this time of year, so I’ll just have to wait until summer.”
“No secret desire for watermelon while having sex?”
I spit out a laugh. “God no. I was just picking an unsexy word to stop unsexy things. Made sense to me.”
Her bright smile makes all of me still. “Got it. Watermelon it is. You guys and your food code words.”
“If you’re always hungry, it’s just the first thing that comes to you.” I point to the barely visible lot up ahead. “We left Walker’s car right up there.”
“Meet you at Tao’s?”