Page 132 of Brazen Mistakes

“What about you?”

“A slow slide of hubris coupled with the high of being good enough to compete with the masters.”

The Mountain Dew is empty the next time I take a drink, my headache dimming. “He lost Donna’s money, didn’t he?”

“Yeah. Apparently, he and Donna are work friends. He’d mentioned to her that he was looking for someplace to play that was off the beaten track and she invited him. And then he talked her into giving up her seat after she’d bought in.”

Remembering that stilted conversation with my mom last night, my frustration with my dad grows. “Donna works at the same company, but it’s huge, and I didn’t figure they had any reason to interact. I might have to double-check a few other players for overlap with us.”

“Later. I’m assuming you’re not up for running that other project tonight?” He leans over me again, this time to run his hand down her arm, and I debate scooting over and giving him a place on the bed. But that’d be sure to wake Clara up, and she needs all the sleep she can get. Also, I’m not ready for that. Not today.

Dragging my mind back to his question, I manage a simple answer. “No.”

“Maybe Trips or I could go.”

“With Jansen the way he is right now?”

His laugh is sad. “Point taken. You or Clara are probably the only ones who can keep him from getting himself killed.”

“And she can’t go.”

“Tomorrow or Thursday? I need to tell Jansen something. He’s practically static electricity right now.”

God. I’ve missed a full day of checking up on everything. It’ll take hours to get back on track. Maybe longer if people have been busy. “Thursday. I promised Clara a date.” Not that I’d picked a day or anything. But I want to have her all to myself, to do all the dumb cheesy stuff people do when they’re dating.

She deserves that. And maybe I do too.

“Nice, man.” Walker punches me lightly on the shoulder. “Are you hungry? I’ll bring up some chicken I made.”

“Yeah. That’d be good.”

As Walker leaves, I look down at Clara, a frown forming on her face. Running my knuckle over the creases, I try to smooth them out for her. I try, but I know it doesn’t work like that.

Chapter 47


PlayingMario Kartsolo after one in the morning is probably the worst thing ever.

Maybe not ever. Obviously, there are so many things that are worse.

But still.

I’m bored, I’m awake, and my skin feels one second from lighting the couch on fire.

Tai chi was a bust. Meditation was a joke. Stealing from everyone in the house didn’t even touch the way I feel right now.

I know I’m spiraling. And while I could go get my junk pierced again or some shit, healing from that was brutal. And no sex? When Clara’s just right here?

Yeah. I might be spiraling, but I’mnot an idiot.

The shuffle of feet down the stairs has me throwing down the controller and running to the hallway like some lonely dog going to greet the door.

Yup. Full-on spiral mode has activated.

Clara’s shuffling to the kitchen, and I scoop her up from behind, licking her ear. She squeals and wiggles, and I let her twist from my arms. Spinning, she jumps, wrapping herself around me, and it’s like sunshine breaking through the clouds in the middle of a blizzard. “Hi, beautiful.”

“Hi, Trouble. Whatcha up to?”