Reed squeezes his eyes closed. “Bring those down too, then.”
I rush into the house, bounding up the stairs a few at a time to RJ’s room. He opens the door not long after I knock, his eyes growing wide. “Clara, you look…” He stops, seeming to not know what to say.
“Later. The cop’s out front. Can you give him some stuff on the guys you’ve tracked down in the metro area? You have thumb drives, right?”
RJ places his hand on my cheek, so gently that I know he’s trying to not smear my makeup. If he knewthe amount of finishing powder that was on my face right now, he wouldn’t be using such caution.
With a gulp, he nods, turning back into his room and rummaging around in his dresser until he pulls out a thumb drive. Then he sits down at his computer, opening and closing windows so fast that it’s obvious that keeping tabs on these monsters has become muscle memory for him.
Poor guy.
After what feels like forever, but is probably less than five minutes, RJ looks up. “These are the four with the strongest, easiest cases to build in the area. He should have everything he needs, although he’ll still have to find the evidence again himself to make it stick. Are you sure you want to be the face of this, Clara?”
The reflection off the screens makes it hard to parse his expression. “Areyousure we should hand this off to the cops? Are you safe?”
He swallows. “Nothing about this is safe. But we can’t do more than I already have. And these kids need their abusers off the streets.”
“Maybethesepredators will stay behind bars for longer than a handful of weeks,” I mutter, and RJ stands, pulling me into his arms.
“The cop’s just one option. If it doesn’t work, then we’ll find another way.”
I nod, taking the drive from him.
But when I go to leave, he follows. I look back at him, and he shrugs. “I’m not letting you out of the house without an escort.”
“Even when I’m going to talk to a cop?”
“Especially if you’re going to talk to a cop.”
I bump up against him, loving that I get to touch him without concern that he doesn’t want it. He does.
After I retrieve Bryce’s last gift, we head out. And when he puts his arm around my shoulder, I feel safe and happy in a way I’ve needed. Comfortable as we walk side by side through the slowly drifting snow to the cop’s car.
Officer Reed rolls down his window, and I pass the thumb drive and photos through.
“What am I looking at here?” he asks, holding up the drive.
“Enough to put four creeps behind bars.”
He shakes his head, looking from me to RJ. “We’ll see about that.”
“If you think you can help, let me know. Otherwise, I’ll take what I find elsewhere.” The threat seems foolhardy as soon as it comes out of my mouth, but I can’t pull it back no matter how much I wish I could, the cop’s eyes narrowing as he stares at me from inside his little sedan.
“We’ll be in touch.”
He pulls away, leaving RJ and me on the curb. I lean into him, and his arms wrap around me, our coats keeping me from feeling the heat of him against my back. “Did we do the right thing?” I ask.
“Only time will tell.”
“That’s not what I wanted to hear, RJ.”
“But it’s what needs to be said.”
I take his hand, the path back to the house both longer and shorter than I wish it were. Frustration eats at my words as I face his honesty. “You’re probably right.”
The press of his hand in mine soothes some of my flurry of emotions.
“You need to finish getting ready for the party. You look like a movie star, and you’re just in your snow jacket. I can’t wait to see you in that dress.”