Page 127 of Brazen Mistakes

Only when I turn to her, her fists keep clenching and relaxing; her gaze stuck on the doorknob. She seems frozen, like she really was turning into an ice statue, not just pretending. I take one step toward her, wanting to shake her out of it. Instead, I watch a familiar fire light her from within, a strangled scream caught in her throat.

I don’t think, I just react, and it’s not until I have her in front of my heavy bag that I understand what I was seeing.

Her tiny fists fly at the leather, the bag hardly swaying, as rage strangles her. Muttered exclamations about help and failing, and repeated screams of why fill the space, and I watch with astonishment as the fury I knew was hiding floods out of her, uncontrollable and sharp.

She pummels the bag until suddenly, she’s shaking and choking on tears, her anger fleeing her as quickly as it came.

I should call Jansen or Walker, have one of them comfort her.

But then she tugs off her mask and presses her face to my chest. And I know I can’t leave. Not now. Not when the smell of that damn flowery shampoo is right under my nose.

It’s just a hug. Comforting a friend.

But there’s something about seeing her so strong with others, but feeling safe enough to fall apart with me, that makes me feel like I just won the lottery.

It’s been a long time since I had any good luck. Enjoying it, just for fucking one night, can’t be that bad. One night, where nothing will happen, where my damn father will never know.

Holding her is the right thing to do.

At least, that’s what I’m telling myself.

Chapter 45


Goddamn it. Why can’t I be a badass bitch? I’m such a whiny pathetic human that I can’t even threaten my boyfriend’s dad into signing a contract to get him help without falling the fuck apart. Help RJ was supposed to figure out with me, not something for me to create whole cloth while he’s locked behind bars.

I’m smearing snot and makeup all over Trip’s designer shirt. If I didn’t think he should just get a cheap one like the rest of us peons, I’d feel worse about it. Down with the oligarchy and all that jazz.

Fuck. I’m even losing it in my own thoughts.

I laugh, wound so high from my own racing mind and my shitty acting and my aching knuckles that I’m skittering from icy to furious to depressed to hysterical.

When Trips’ lips press against my forehead, I freeze, a hiccupped snort eking out. Peering up at him, his arms aroundmy waist, pressed chest to chest, I see that he’s grinning. He’s laughing at me.

Pushing away from him, anger immediately flares, all my emotions too close to the surface for me to control them. “Am I good entertainment? Are you enjoying this?”

His brows press together. “Fuck no. It’s just, you snorted when I kissed you.”

I glare at him, but another hiccup escapes, ruining my staring contest, leaving me to slump back against him. “I guess that might have been worth a smile.”

He drags me closer, so we’re smooshed together again. I press my nose to his shirt and just breathe him in.

“Am I still a nice-smelling thing?”

I huff out something that might approximate a laugh. “Don’t use drunk Clara against sober-but-having-a-meltdown Clara.”

The weight of his hand on my head has me peering up at him again. “You did great. No meltdown needed.”

“I was a total and complete bitch. And to RJ’s dad on top of it. Oh my God, I can’t ever show my face at RJ’s house. I’ve ruined it. What if I just ruined his relationship with his dad? Oh my God, Trips. What was I thinking?”

“You found the best possible solution to the problem without having all the information. And RJ and his dad have been on the rocks since RJ first bailed him out years ago. Honestly, you taking the lead probably created a path for him to fix things with RJ. His dad can’t blame this bailout on his son. Hopefully, he takes this opportunity to fix his shit.”

“Is RJ really okay? We need to get him out of there.”

He struggles to tug out my bun, and I reach up to help him. “We’ll leave soon, but don’t expect to see him until morning. I’m sure the holiday swamped the precinct. I might as well check on the game and tell the guys what happened first. But yeah. He’s fine. Shaken, pissed, and scared, but fine.”

“How’d he end up in jail?”