Isabel stared down at her, mouth hanging open as though she’d forgotten how to breathe. Her gaze scorched Mira’s skin. It was shockingly hot to be looked at by the right person, to feel exposed and beautiful and seen.
“Oh my god,” Isabel said. She dove in again—this time with searing kisses just below Mira’s jaw, using a little bit of teeth, making Mira squeal. Isabel’s thigh slid between her legs, and Mira bucked her hips and moaned at the delicious friction. Her nipples were straining against the lace of her bra. She was going to make a mess of Isabel’s nice slacks if they kept this up. “You’re so beautiful, Mira,” Isabel said, her breath hot against Mira’s earlobe. “I can’t believe?—”
“Wait,” Mira said. She clutched Isabel’s lapels. “Let me take this off you. I’ve been waiting too.”
Isabel laughed. It was impossible to stop kissing each other for long, and Mira let her lips brush against Isabel’s as she slipped Isabel’s suit jacket off her broad shoulders. She worked on Isabel’s shirt next, impatience making her clumsy as she undid each button, both of them breaking out into giggles. It was wonderful to see Isabel having fun in bed.
Four buttons in, Mira had revealed a lot of delicious cleavage in a sensible nude bra, and she was about to weep from frustration. She had never despised an article of clothing more. Isabel helped her out, and finally,finally, Isabel’s bra and pants came off too.
Isabel’s body was a marvel. Mira had seen those powerful arms and thighs before, and they were somehow even more luscious up close. Isabel’s stomach spilled a little over the waistband of her boxer briefs, with a hint of rippling abdominal muscles underneath. The newly exposed parts of her skin were lighter than the rest, less tanned by the sun. And her breasts were so generous and lush that Mira went lightheaded.
She was desperate to lick every single square inch of Isabel, to bury her face in those breasts and take those nipples into her mouth… How had she ever thought that she didn’t like women?
“You’re so hot,” Mira said, so turned on she struggled to find words. Isabel grinned, not shy in the least. Part of what made Isabel so fucking hot was that sheknewshe was hot. She got on top of Mira—and then their bodies were pressed together, bare skin to bare skin, and Mira couldn’t think about anything at all.
Isabel’s gorgeous black hair covered them like a curtain, and her breasts were deliciously heavy resting against Mira’s own. She lit up every nerve in Mira’s body with kisses, over her ears, her neck, her collarbones. Then Isabel’s mouth wandered to the lacy edge of her bra. “You look good in pink lace,” Isabel murmured. “I like this even more than your pajamas.”
Mira flushed. “My pajamas?”
Isabel looked up, flustered. “I drove myself crazy looking at you in them. I didn’t mean to, I just?—”
Mira giggled. “It’s okay. You can look. Actually, you can do more than that.” Her face burned even hotter.
“Are you asking?”
Mira shivered. “Yes. Please touch me.”
Isabel gently cupped her breasts—one in each warm, comforting hand—and rolled her thumbs over Mira’s nipples through the lace. Arcs of pleasure raced down Mira’s spine, and she gasped. “You can take it off. Please.”
“You don’t have to be so polite.” Isabel slipped a hand under Mira, unhooked her bra with one hand in one easy motion, and tossed it aside. The air was cool against her nipples, and she drew a sharp breath.
“So gorgeous,” Isabel said, her voice a low rumble. Mira was never going to get tired of hearing it. Isabel cupped her breasts again, and this time, there was nothing at all between her achingly tender nipples and Isabel’s palms. She moaned and arched her back for more. “So sensitive,” Isabel murmured. “You’re adorable.” She lowered her head and closed her mouth over a nipple, and Mira squealed.
Oh, this was good, too good. Isabel’s sturdy thigh slid between Mira’s legs again, and Mira writhed and whimpered and desperately pushed her breasts into Isabel’s mouth, one after the other. Could she come like this? Probably not, but this was the closest she’d come to having an orgasm with someone else in a very, very long time, and she’d forgotten what it was like to lose herself in genuine, overwhelming need.
Isabel slipped a hand between their bodies. “Do you want me to touch you?” she asked, her breath warm against Mira’s nipple, her eyes dark with desire.
Mira tensed up. The full-body glow faded. “Um, I think so.”
This was what she’d been dreaming of, but some part of her still warned her to not expect too much. Isabel had been good to her tonight, but that couldn’t undo years and years of being treated as an object of other people’s commingled desire and contempt. Like she was nothing more than her body, and her body didn’t belong to her.
Isabel had raised her expectations. But maybe that only opened her up to being hurt more. She had tried to explain all this to Isabel—that sex wasn’t easy for her—and she had felt understood. But she’d been wrong in trusting people before.
“We don’t have to,” Isabel said, propping herself up and easing off. “I’d love to just keep kissing you.”
Mira took a deep breath, returning to the moment. It was all up to her.
“I want you to,” she said. Excitement rushed through her just from saying the words. “Um, I probably won’t be able to come from it. But I still want you to touch me.”
“That’s okay.” Isabel kissed her on the cheek again. Another thing Mira would never get tired of. “I’ll do it for as long as you want, okay?”
Mira nodded, relieved that Isabel hadn’t taken it as a challenge to try to make her come. “Will you kiss me while you touch me?”
Isabel pounced and hungrily kissed her mouth again. The heel of Isabel’s hand slid between Mira’s thighs, letting Mira set the pace and easing her into it, and Mira felt wanton as she rolled her hips upward harder and harder—and soon that wasn’t enough. When Isabel hooked a thumb under the waistband of her underwear, asking a question, Mira whimpered in relief and nodded.
More impatient squirming as she got her panties off, and now she was completely bare, and raw and vulnerable. But when Isabel’s lips brushed her cheek, Mira knew everything she needed to know.
She was cared for. She was safe. She smiled up at Isabel. “I’m ready.”