Page 99 of Always on My Mind

The blurred image of Theo’s face flashed in her mind. The clear memory of his body under a sheet, one hand dangling out swam into her view. He would let her hurt—he would let her die—for football. Icy fear slid into her gut.

“Oh my God,” she whispered. “Oh my God.”

“Jamie?” Tessa questioned, her eyes searching Jamie’s face.

Jamie struggled to inhale. “Tessa—he’s—I can’t—he’s going to kill me.”

“Jamie, it’s alright,” Tessa said. She sandwiched Jamie’s hand between hers. “You’re having a panic attack, but it’s alright. You’re in good care now.”

Dexter finally looked at Jamie, a scowl pulling down on his mouth. “What are you on about?”

Jamie didn’t address him. “He’s going to kill me, Tessa. I can’t do this, I can’t let him!”

“Jamie, what are you—”

Tessa didn’t get to finish her question. Dexter interrupted.

“You’re being ridiculous, Jamie! What am I paying that therapist for if you’re still acting like this, eh? Jesus fucking Christ, pull yourself together!”

“Hold on, that’s your wain!” Mary Ann protested. “Your own flesh and blood! You can’t be talking to her that way when she’s this low.”

“She’s my daughter, I can talk to her however I see fit.”

He reached for Jamie, but Mary Ann stood between them and pushed him back.

“Oh, no you don’t!” she warned. “That girl is my wain now! And you best not be putting your hands on one of mine, you old English prick!”

“How dare you!” Dexter cried.

He raised himself up to his full height, no doubt to say more, but Jamie would not be letting him. Now was the time.

“I won’t let you do to me what you did to my brother!” Jamie shouted.

Tears streamed down her face. Her whole body trembled. She was terrified. But she was going to do this, anyway. For herself, and everyone who loved her.

Dexter paled. “How dare you bring up my son!”

“How dare you call yourself his father!” Jamie retorted. “You were never a father to either of us! Theo died because of you! And the hatred in your heart!”

“What do you—”

“I know that Theo was gay. And I know you made him feel bad enough about it to take his own life. Well, I won’t let you take mine!”

She pulled a stunned Tessa closer to her.

“This woman, here?” she said. “This is Tessa Gallagher. She is the love of my life. My soulmate. And after today, the whole world will know it.”

His lips quivered with rage. He opened his mouth, but Jamie had heard enough from him. Enough for a lifetime.

“Get out of this room and get out of my life,” she ordered. “Permanently. Do not call, do not text, do not come to my home. Ever again.”

And with that, Dexter Hupp, Jamie’s father, walked away from her. He didn’t yell. He didn’t threaten her. He said nothing at all. At her command, he was gone, leaving an astounded silence in his wake.

Until Dr. Watson cleared his throat.

“Well,” he said. “I suppose you all have some things to discuss. I need to speak with some surgeons and your club physician. I’ll be back in a little while to check on you and let you know what we’ve come up with as far as a treatment plan.”

“Thank you,” Jamie said. “Sorry you had to see all that.”