“You’ve got training.”
“Technically, so do you.”
“I’ll write Nelle an email on the tube.”
“The tube isn’t running for another hour,” Jamie said. “I’ll drive you.”
Tessa’s mind was too jumbled to argue, so she tossed Jamie her phone. “Ethan texted me the name of the hospital.”
Jamie scanned the screen and nodded. “I know where that is.”
She yanked the duvet off her legs and got dressed too. Tessa picked some joggers and a tank top. She knew that births, especially the first baby, could take hours, sometimes even days. She made a mental note to ask Niamh to bring her a bag of things if it came to that. For the moment, Tessa tossed a book, her phone, a charger, and her wallet into a tote bag and called it a day. She threw a cardigan over her shoulders to keep the April morning chill at bay, but she was so excited, it already felt too warm.
The crisp air cooled her skin on the way to Jamie’s car. The leather of the seat even chilled Tessa’s legs enough to put goosebumps over her skin. But she hardly noticed. Billie was having a baby. Her best friend had created a life and would be bringing it into the world.
Tessa recalled the feeling she had when she woke up. Was that why the universe had disturbed her sleep? So that she would be ready for that phone call? Or was it a warning? Was Billie about to be in danger? Her heart dropped at the thought.
“Hey,” Jamie said, her voice drawing Tessa out of her thoughts. When had they started driving? “Are you okay?”
“It’s not me we should be worried about,” Tessa replied.
“Who then? Billie?”
“Childbirth is dangerous,” Tessa said. “It’s the number one killer of women.”
“I don’t think that’s true anymore,” Jamie said gently.
“Women still die, though. There’s a lot that could go wrong. What if he’s breeched? She’d need to have a C-section, and—”
“You don’t need to overthink it. Billie has access to some of the best care in the world. And you said yourself that her pregnancy has been healthy.”
“What if something happens to the wain then? What if he’s stillborn and my poor friend went through all this for nothing?”
“Tessa,” Jamie said firmly. “You’re getting yourself worked up over nothing. Women have been giving birth forever, and hospitals are equipped to deal with any and all issues that may arise. However rare they may be.”
Tessa couldn’t shake it. “I dunno. I’ve got this feeling that something horrible is going to happen tonight.”
“That sounds like anxiety talking.”
“Wise up, Jamie. You and I both know there’s no such thing as a coincidence.”
“Sure, when it comes to soulmates. But this isn’t that.”
“How do you know? How can you be sure?”
“Because this is Billie and Ethan’s happily ever after,” Jamie said firmly. “This time, it’s all working out for them.”
Oddly, the tightness in Tessa’s chest loosened. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly through her mouth. She could admit she was overthinking it. And that there was some anxiety about her best friend taking such a big leap in life. One that would ultimately take priority over Tessa. But she couldn’t find it in her heart to be sad. Not when the idea of being in this child’s life made joy bubble up inside her.
The whirlwind of emotions was liable to make her vomit. She reached for Jamie’s hand to steady herself.
“You’re right, it’s their time,” Tessa said.
Jamie squeezed her hand. “It’s ours too. At long last.”