Page 79 of Always on My Mind

“When we get married, do you want to keep our names or hyphenate?” Jamie asked.

Tessa halted. Had she heard that right? Jamie, speaking in absolutes about marriage? That was the most public acknowledgment of a relationship humanly possible. Not to mention legally binding.

Jamie turned and looked at her, pink rising to her cheeks. “Sorry, was that too soon? I thought since we’re soulmates and everything, we’ll be getting there, eventually. Was I wrong to assume?”

Tessa shook her head, a small smile spreading over her lips. “No, but. . . I had no idea you thought about those things.”

“Well, yeah. I mean, we’re together now, we know our history, and I’m finally getting to a place where I feel like I can eventually come out. But honestly, Tessa, I’ve thought about marrying you since the day I met you.”

Tessa’s heart sang with delight. She made it to Jamie in two strides, leaning in for a kiss. Only, Jamie dodged her and went for a hug instead. The bubble of joy burst and Tessa’s shoulders sagged.

“Sorry,” Jamie said. “It’s just. . . we’re outside.”

Tessa gestured to the empty street. “Who’s watching us?”

“You never know, Tess,” Jamie said. “People could be hiding or looking out their windows. . . ”

“Right.” Tessa’s lips tightened into a frown, but she nodded. She kept walking toward the house. Jamie followed behind. “Is this how it’s going to be for the whole party?”

Jamie didn’t answer for several moments, even as they climbed the three steps of the stoop.

“Tessa, I don’t know these people.”

“That’s not what I asked.”

“I’m trying to say that I trust you and Billie, but everyone else is a potential leak.”

“Ach, well, when we get married, I’ll keep my name so I don’t risk being a leak.”

“Tessa, we’ve talked about this. You agreed to me coming out to the team, who I know I can trust.”

“And how many times have we been around them since this agreement?” Tessa challenged.

Jamie went silent. She didn’t have an answer, Tessa knew. They had only been around the team in training and before and after matches. Neither of which gave Jamie and Tessa any real opportunity to share a kiss or even hold hands. Otherwise, they could only outwardly be a couple in their respective homes. Tessa was beginning to feel she hadn’t had the full scope of what she had agreed to.

Jamie set the bassinet down on the stoop. She pulled her phone from her pocket, already typing something. Tessa rolled her eyes and rang the bell. Jamie nudged her arm, showing Tessa the screen.

“Party at mine after our match against Birmingham City next weekend,” Jamie said. “Half of them have already agreed to come. You’ll be free to plant as many kisses on me as you want.”

Tessa resisted the urge to roll her eyes. To Jamie’s credit, she was always quick to address Tessa’s concerns. It eased the stingof the rejections. But each one was a chip away at Tessa’s belief. While it was better than last time, it still didn’t feel like enough.

She didn’t get to answer before the door swung open, and Stevie appeared, a big, welcoming smile on her face. Tessa grinned back. Stevie and Billie looked remarkably alike. They had the same dark, wavy hair, rounded face, and clear blue eyes. Stevie’s eight years on Billie showed in the lines around her mouth and eyes, but she was equally as beautiful.

“Tessa, hello!” she said cheerfully.

She pulled Tessa into a hug and kissed her cheek.

“How are you, Stevie?” Tessa replied.

“Wonderful, thank you,” Stevie said. “And this must be Jamie.”

She pulled a surprised Jamie into a hug as well as she introduced herself.

“Billie told me about your situation,” Stevie said, lowering her voice. “No one other than Billie and I know, but you don’t need to worry about anyone here, I promise.”

“Thank you,” Tessa said.

“Of course,” Stevie replied. “Please, come in. Gift table is to the right in the dining room, and we’re all in the back sitting room.”