Page 53 of Always on My Mind

She and the rest of her teammates came over to pat her on her arms and legs, and she felt the well wishes in every touch. Then a woman she didn’t recognize came over. A young brunette with a soaking braid down her back and tears in her dark eyes. She wore the Everton crest on her chest. She took Jamie’s free hand.

“I’m really sorry, Jamie,” she said. Her accent told Jamie she was likely a Liverpool native. “I didn’t mean it, honest.”

“S’alright,” Jamie assured her. “Thanks.”

She meant it with the thank you. That woman had opened Jamie’s eyes to the link she didn’t even know she was missing. The only thing now was for her to find out if Tessa felt it too. She waved to the fans and a fresh drop of rain hit her arm.

Chapter 17

Tessa could hardly focus on her work. She kept seeing Jamie’s injury in her mind, like some horrible sports replay. The sickening sound of the boot cracking against Jamie’s head. The way she fell into a heap on the pitch. The agonizing minutes Tessa watched medical staff bent over the woman she loved, and her heart kicked into overdrive with worry. She was supposed to be editing a video together of the three Stanmore goals that won them the match, but her brain kept coming back to Jamie. Was she alright? Was it a concussion or something worse? It had been a day since the match, and most of the comments on their pages were questions about Jamie’s status.

Tessa wasn’t sure who to reach out to. She didn’t have the numbers of medical staff since she was technically only a part-time employee. Nelle promised to send any updates once they were available, but Tessa was beginning to think that wasn’t true. Surely, they should know something by now. She checked her phone again, but similar to the countless times she had checked in the hours since the injury, there was nothing.

Billie had reached out that same night, but Tessa didn’t have any news. Then Billie, like the wonderful friend she was, asked Tessa how she was holding up. At the time, she was so shocked, she didn’t know what to say. She told Billie that. Billie offered any support should Tessa need it. But Ethan had never been concussed, so Billie didn’t have any insight.

There was one person Tessa thought of. Laci Frawley, the wife of the Stanmore men’s goalkeeper. Tessa had helped Laci through her own soulmate experience with Jordan. Jordan had also suffered a concussion last season, meaning Laci would be able to relate.

Tessa pulled up her latest messages with Laci.

Hey, I know this is random, but when Jordan had his concussion last year, how long was it before he went home?

Laci responded within minutes.


Not random at all! I’ve been seeing Jamie’s injury all over social media. You all must be worried about her.

When Jordan got hurt, he was home the next day. They kept him overnight to monitor him.

D’you think Jamie’s was worse or not as bad?

Hard to say. They both got boots to the head, but in different ways. I’m sure you’ll hear something from the team soon.

Grand, so. Thanks, Laci.

No problem. You were such a nice friend to me when Jordan and I were struggling. If I can give you any comfort, I’ll say that Jordan was only out for two weeks with his. I’m sure Jamie will recover just as quickly.

Fingers crossed.

Tessa locked her phone and heaved a sigh. Even though it wasn’t clear, she did feel better after talking to someone who understood. Now if only the club would send something. Anything to ease everyone’s mind.

Niamh emerged from her room in joggers and a windbreaker. She offered Tessa a half-smile.

“I’m going for a run,” she said. “If you get anything about Jamie, will you ring me?”

“Oh, aye,” Tessa assured her. “You’ll do the same?”

“Of course.”

With a nod, she left. The door snicked shut behind her. Tessa shook her head and faced her laptop, preparing to force herself to work on the video. She needed to get it done by the end of the day. She watched the individual clips over again to determine where to cut them. Only a knock on the door interrupted her.

Inwardly cursing Niamh for forgetting her keys so often, Tessa got up and marched to the door. Only it wasn’t Niamh standing behind it.

“Jamie?” Tessa gasped. “Sweet, suffering, Jesus, are you alright?”

“I’ve got concussion, but otherwise, I’m fine,” she replied. Tessa wanted to yank her into her arms with relief, but Jamie had her arms over her chest. Closed off. “Can I come in?”
