Page 46 of Always on My Mind

“It’s not enough,” Jamie replied. “Not yet.”

“Can’t you tell me what it is you’re afraid of? What do you think your father will do to you if you come out?”

Jamie dropped her gaze to the ground. “I don’t know.”

“I think you do. You just don’t want to tell me.”

A drop of rain fell between them, creating a dark spot on the pavement. Steady rain followed, pattering against the windows of the shops and soaking into Tessa’s clothes and hair. Jamie looked up at the sky as a rumble of thunder sounded above them.

“I’m getting there, Tessa,” she said. “I’m doing my best.”

“Could you do your best a wee bit faster?”

Jamie met her gaze and chuckled. Her chocolate brown hair turned black as the rain saturated it, making Jamie’s face appear as pale as marble. Tessa often thought Jamie looked like a work of art. But soaking wet, under the light of the lamp posts, it was especially true.

Jamie nodded toward the alley around the corner from the bar entrance and led Tessa into the safety of darkness. There, she pinned Tessa against the wall, lifted her arms over her head, and kissed the daylight out of her.

Heat surged through Tessa’s body, along with the memories of their past lives. Flashes of them stealing kisses outside the ward during WWI, sneaking away to the kitchens before the American Revolution, and holding each other as the ship swayed beneath them on their way to Jamestown. All of it flickered behind Tessa’s eyes as Jamie’s mouth moved with hers. All their time together. All their attempts at honoring their love.

When they parted for air, rain streaming down their faces as they panted and gazed at each other, Jamie cupped Tessa’s face.

“Fast enough for you?” Jamie said.

Tessa smirked. “For now.”

With that, she pulled Jamie in for another kiss.

Chapter 15

Knock, knock, knock.

Jamie ignored the sound and continued kissing Tessa. They were lying in a field under a Georgia summer sun, though how she knew that, she wasn’t sure. All she knew was that their flush bodies pressed against each other in the warm grass was making her dizzy. Did anything matter other than Tessa’s sweet mouth?

Knock, knock, knock.

No, nothing else mattered. Tessa’s tongue danced along Jamie’s mouth, drawing a moan from deep in her chest. She tightened her arms around Tessa’s waist. Every muscle in Jamie’s body demanded to be closer. She reached for the stays on Tessa’s corset. She didn’t even question why Tessa was wearing such a thing.

Knock, knock, knock.

Jamie snapped her eyes open. A groan escaped her as she took in her bedroom, which was unfortunately sans Tessa. They had kissed for minutes that passed like hours in the rain against thewall only a day ago. Because Tessa was gone, it felt like years ago now.

Jamie pushed herself upright and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She could have sworn someone was—

Knock, knock, knock.“JAMIE!”

The sound was coming from her front door, and the voice was unmistakably her father’s. With a gasp, Jamie shot out of bed. She wrapped herself in a dressing gown, stepped into her slippers, and flew down the stairs. She hadn’t even bothered to check her appearance in the mirror.

Dexter was still knocking when Jamie yanked open the door. “Dad! Good morning!”

He met her bright greeting with a scowl. Instead of a reply, he held up a magazine. A photo of Jamie and Tessa holding hands outside the bar covered the front page. The blood drained from Jamie’s face.

“Care to explain yourself?” he demanded.


“Get inside,” he barked, and pushed her back over the threshold as he stepped in and kicked the door shut behind him. With his fingers wrapped around her upper arm, he dragged her to the kitchen.

“What have I told you about this shit, Jamie?” he shouted. He slammed the paper down on the counter with a resounding thwack. Jamie flinched. “Are you seeing this girl?”