Page 78 of We'll Meet Again

“I’m sorry too,” he said, dropping his gaze to their clasped hands. “Thanks for coming, Grandma. And for being sweet to Billie and letting me know all this…it means a lot.”

She pulled him closer to kiss his cheek. “You just go out there and make us all proud tomorrow, alright? Me and Billie and Coach Larry too.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Chapter 21

Billiewasalreadyfondof Ethan’s grandmother, but by the time they walked into Wembley Stadium together, she was totally in love. She took Betty to a pub to get a couple pints before the match, and Betty ended up winning them after beating the publican in a game of darts. She also told Billie about the first time Ethan played football; while he had moments of brilliance, he also tripped himself on the ball and landed so hard he got grass in his teeth. Billie only felt the slightest bit ashamed for laughing at that. And as they took their seats at the match, Betty spoke to so many people on the way that she endeared herself to half the Stanmore supporters section. In the time it took Billie to get them some snacks, Betty had several people walking by their aisle and calling to her.

“Oi, Betty! Come on, Stanmore, yeah?”

“Oh, Betty, darling, do let us know if you need anything.”

“Betty, your grandson’s gonna get us a win today, alright?”

She acknowledged each with a sweet, Southern reply. Bewildered, Billie shimmied through the row to their seats, handing Betty a bag of crisps.

“Look at you, Miss Popularity,” Billie teased.

“I think it’s just that Ethan’s my grandson,” Betty replied with a wave of her hand.

“It must be you. I’m his girlfriend, and no one’s addressing me by name.”

“Well, maybe between the two of us, they’ll forget about Ethan altogether.”

Billie snorted and took the first bite of her crisps.

“Billie, can I ask you something?” Betty asked, suddenly serious.

Billie met her gaze, surprised. “Sure.”

“How is Ethan doing? I mean, really? Is he too worried about Coach Larry? Is there too much culture shock here? I wanna know everything, and you see him every day.”

“Oh,” Billie said, wiping the salt off her fingers on the leg of her jeans. “Honestly, he’s happy. I’ve asked him here and there if he’s homesick, and - at least he tells me - that he’s fine. He likes London and the Premier League. As far as his coach…he’s only spoken to me about it a handful of times, and he always seems quite calm. I don’t think he likes to think about it.”

“Alright, that sounds like what he’s telling me,” Betty said. “I just wanna make sure he’s being honest and not just saying things so I don’t worry. He does that a lot.”

“Does he?”

Betty nodded. “Ever since his Mama went, he’s always tried to be as…self-sufficient as he could. I think he just never wants anyone to worry about him the way he worried about her. I swear, the boy was ten years old going on one hundred.”

“Well, now I’m wondering if he’s tellingmethe truth,” Billie half-joked. Was there anything Ethan wasn’t saying? He had always been an open book. She hoped he never held back to spare her feelings. Although, he hadn’t when they had their first fight, so that was encouraging.

“I think it’s different with you,” Betty said. “You’re his girlfriend, his partner. He’d feel more comfortable sharing the load with you.”

“I suppose.”

“And he is…very fond of you, Billie. More so than I’ve ever seen him. And when Ethan is dedicated to something, he gives all of himself.”

“So I’ve noticed,” Billie said with a smile. “He’s got a bigger heart than anyone I’ve ever known.”

“He can’t do anything half-assed. It’s why he never drinks, why he works so hard on the pitch, and why he commits so completely to someone he…cares about.”

The hesitation made Billie stiffen. It was so similar to when Ethan almost said that he loved her. Had he made such a confession to his grandmother already and she almost revealed it? Or was Betty just trying to find the right words because Billie and Ethan hadn’t said “I love you” yet? She hoped it was the latter, because she was not ready for those words. What she had with Ethan was unique and powerful, but that was a place she hadn’t reached. If Ethan was there, she hoped he kept it to himself for a little bit longer. She dreaded the thought of him leaving her like Greg had. While it was true Ethan was not like her ex, she still worried things like this might make him change his mind about her.

“I mean, shoot,” Betty went on. “He ever tell you about Lula Mae?”

Billie’s brow furrowed. “Who the bloody hell is Lula Mae?”