Page 76 of We'll Meet Again

“Oh, that’s very sweet of you, thank you.”

Ethan went to the kitchen and got his grandmother a cup of coffee.

“Thank you, sweetheart,” she said, warming her hands on the mug. “I thought it’d be better to come to London closer to spring, but it’s still colder than a well digger’s ass over here.”

Billie snorted, earning a smile from Betty.

“You’re just spoiled living at the coast,” Ethan said. “You should have been here in January.Thatwas cold.”

“I do love living at Carolina Beach,” she said wistfully. “I’m grateful to you every day, honey.”

“For what?” Billie asked, glancing between them.

“Ethan never told you?” Betty asked. “When he made his first million, he bought me my beach house.”

Billie’s wide eyes found Ethan’s gaze. “Really?”

He nodded bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, I did. After everything she’d done for me, I wanted to give back to her.”

“And I tell you, I have the most fun living down there,” Betty said. “I got everyone at the Sea Witch watching the Premier League now.”

“The Sea Witch?” Billie questioned.

“The local bar,” Betty explained. “I think the manager was about ready to wring my neck since I was badgering him so much, but after a couple of dances, I won him over. Now they show all your matches without me even having to ask!”

Billie opened her mouth as if to ask further, but from behind Betty, Ethan warned her with a shake of his head not to. They were only just meeting, it would probably shock Billie to learn the tricks Betty had up her sleeve in order to get her way with men. Billie stuffed a bite of pancakes into her mouth instead.

“Did you make breakfast, Ethan?” Betty asked.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Well, it’s only right seeing as you’re probably wearing this girl out every night.”

Billie choked, and Ethan resisted the urge to roll his eyes. There truly was no stopping Betty. Billie reached for her coffee and took a sip, her eyes watering. Ethan went to her and leaned over the back of her chair to kiss her on the head.

“You alright, darlin’?” he asked.

“Yeah, thanks,” she answered hoarsely.

Betty finally took a seat at the table and settled in.

“Now,” she said. “I wanna know everything. How y’all met, your first date, all the details. I mean, nothing explicit, of course, but between my schedule and Ethan’s we don’t hardly get time for phone calls.”

Ethan started, with Billie interjecting here and there to tell her side of things. It warmed his heart to see the two of them chatting so easily with one another. Betty told him once that Sarah had paved the way for any future girlfriends because all they had to be was Not Sarah in order to win Betty’s approval. But Ethan knew his grandmother well enough to see that what she found in Billie so far, she genuinely liked. It was all the more evident when Billie had to head home, but happily agreed to accompany Betty to the match. As soon as the door closed and Billie was gone, it felt like something was missing.

“Told you it was gonna be likeLove Actually,” Betty said, making her way to the couch.

At that, Ethandidroll his eyes. “I don’t see how it’s at all like that.”

“Well, it’s not exact, but you found love, didn’t you?”

That gave him some pause. He knew what he felt for Billie was strong, and oftentimes, beyond description. If he had to put a word on it, “love” might be the most appropriate.

“I…” he trailed off. “Yeah, I think so.”

Betty beamed. “I’m happy for you, Ethan. She’s a lovely girl.”

He joined her on the couch. “Can I confess something to you?”