Page 47 of We'll Meet Again

He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Oh.”

“Yeah, it’s a shit sandwich,” Larry went on, cutting his gaze from Ethan’s for the first time all phone call. “I’m making my peace with it, getting my affairs in order and all that, but I just wanted to tell you myself. As close to in person as I can.”

“Well, I…thanks for letting me know,” Ethan said, clearing his throat to rid his voice of the rust in it. “Gosh, Coach, I’m so sorry.”

“Nah, don’t go feeling sorry for me,” Larry replied, a hint of his smile returning, but it was watery. “I’ve lived a life I’m real proud of. I’ve loved and laughed and I got to see a player I coached represent his country in the World Cup.”

Ethan let out a breath and blinked back the mist welling up in his eyes. Seeing his very first coach in the stands on the world’s biggest stage for sports was unforgettable. Could it really be that was the last time they would see each other?

“I have no regrets,” Larry said finally.

“Wish I could say the same.”

“None of that, now, son. The best thing you can do for me is play your absolute best in your career, and live a life that you’re proud of. So when it’s your turn, you won’t have any regrets either.”

Ethan sniffled. “Yes, Coach.”

Larry grinned once more. “That’s more like it. I’ll let you get back to your workout, and I’m looking forward to your match this weekend. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

“Sounds good.”

“Love you, kid.”

“Yeah, love you too.”

They hung up. Memories that were impossible to stop surged to the forefront of Ethan’s mind. The first time Coach Larry had invited him to play on that hot September afternoon. The way he pushed Ethan to be better, not only on the pitch, but in his life. And after his mother died, how Coach Larry and his wife were the first people to show up with a casserole. Long after Ethan had gone pro, Coach kept in touch - mostly on occasions like birthdays or Christmas, but the thought of now going through even a normal day without the assurance that Coach was there…it wasn’t possible.

How could the clock just keep ticking? How could the sun just shine on? How could the world just carry on turning when Ethan’s was crumbling around him? He wasn’t sure he could lose so much…again. The only thing worse would be something happening to Betty.

Heaving a sigh, he looked at his phone, opening up the most recent messages from Coach Larry, from before this phone call. He had texted on New Year’s Day -Happy New Year, Ethan! Can’t wait to see you succeed in the Premier League! So proud of you, kid!Ethan had replied,Thanks, Coach! I won’t let you down!And now, he was mentally kicking himself. He should have picked up the phone and called. He should have suggested getting together soon, his schedule be damned. He should have made the time because now they were out of it.

The weight room started to swim, so Ethan squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. He hated to do it, but he couldn’t train today. He couldn’t even think about football. Not when the man who introduced him to it was dying. And right now, all of Ethan’s passion for the sport was going with him. With his heart in his stomach, Ethan texted Coach Warren, explaining he wasn’t feeling well (which wasn’t totally a lie), and that he wouldn’t be able to make it to training. Straight from the weightroom, he gathered his things and headed back to his apartment, which felt about as far from home as possible now.



Carentan, France

Dear, sweet, beautiful Maggie,

You have truly made me the happiest man in the world! The second we get back to England, I’m marrying the heck outta you! Then I’ll kiss your pretty little lips off! You don’t know how bad I’ve needed the hope you’ve given me.

It hasn’t been easy here. We lost a lot of guys in the jump. And now, as we battle our way through France, we lose even more. Every day, I hear another name that makes my heart sink to the bottom of my chest. Hell, even the guys I didn’t like too much, hearing they got killed makes me sad. Just because I didn’t care much for them doesn’t mean they didn’t have folks at home who did.

You are keeping me going, my darling. Thoughts of you, a wedding, movies, and dancing - all of it drives me to stay alive and fight like hell so this thing’s over as soon as possible. “Berlin by Christmas” is the saying around here. I hope that’s true. Will you pray for it, honey? Pray extra hard for us, please. The sooner I get back to you, the better. I need you like I need air to breathe.

Your soon-to-be husband,


P.S. - I know supplies are limited right now, so as soon as I can, I’ll be sending my reserve chute to you. It’s silk, so it should make a mighty fine wedding dress. Perks of marrying a paratrooper!

Chapter 13

Ethancouldn’trecallthelast time he’d spent this long on the couch. But in an emotional crisis, there was only one thing to do - have aLord of the Ringsmovie marathon. He’d adored those films since he was twelve, when he saw the first one at a friend’s birthday party. The story was just so hopeful and uplifting. And he always got sucked in, despite the countless viewings he had accrued over the years. So, for a couple of hours, he could forget about football and that a dear friend would soon be gone.

Just before he startedReturn of the King, there was a knock on his door. He got to his feet with a stretch, padding over to the entryway, when it struck him he probably should put a shirt on. But he was already there and in a rare moment of laziness. With a shrug, he turned the knob and opened it anyway.