Page 44 of We'll Meet Again

“I believe it,” Billie said. She took one last look at Ethan as the door closed behind him. “But that one is different.”

“I hope you’re right,” Nelle said. “For both your sakes.”

She held the door open and Billie followed her back out into the cold night air.

The following day, with Tessa out with her fellow vintage enthusiasts, Billie had the flat blissfully to herself. After the chaos of travel, the match, and karaoke night afterward, she was ready to rest her tired body and engage in her favorite form of self care - a steaming hot bath with a glass of red wine. She even treated herself to a bath bomb as well. After lighting a few candles, she sank into the water. The heat sent tingles all the way up her spine, especially with the contrast of the cool surface of the tub making contact with the skin of her upper back. With a contented sigh, she lay back and let it wash over her.

Her mind went to Ethan the moment she relaxed. What was he up to this afternoon? How did he spend a Sunday off? What was his idea of self care? He probably needed it more than most, considering he gave so much of himself all the time. Not only was his job a huge commitment, but he was also totally unselfish. She guessed he was probably helping a neighbor with something around the house or a teammate with a skill they needed to improve. Before she might have rolled her eyes, but now…she smiled.

From its spot on the counter, her phone dinged. She ignored it. If it was work, it could definitely wait. Her family could too, though it was unlikely they would text. The Axtons were phone call people. If it was Tessa - well, it wouldn’t be Tessa, she’d be far too engrossed in her shopping. If it was Ethan, then Billie didn’t mind playing it a bit aloof. It was better for both of them if she did. Already, she felt herself more invested in him than she had been in anyone before, and that was terrifying. Plus, they were taking it slow. No need to jump to the phone.

It dinged again. She closed her eyes. Another cursed alert tone came from the speaker. Then another. Finally, a triplet of tones, so whoever it was had just sent three rapid texts. She glowered at the device, briefly considering hurling it out her window.

Whoever it was clearly had something important to say, so with a groan, she hauled herself out of the tub and picked up the damn phone. It was the last person she expected. All the messages were from Tony. Puzzled, she swiped to open them, and her jaw dropped at what she saw.

Screenshots of Tweets, all with photos of her and Ethan after the match, captioned with speculation about who she was and what exactly their relationship was with each other. And she couldn’t say she blamed them. Had they really been standing so close to each other? From one angle it almost looked like they were kissing. Tony’s messages were furious.

Billie, what the hell is this???

Are you dating Ethan Knight???

I don’t want him distracted.




She locked her phone in panic. Her heart rate spiked not only out of worry, but rage as well. Why had all those people taken pictures? She cursed the internet and everyone on it for their proficiency for jumping to conclusions. And Tony. She was glad he wasn’t there, and not only because she wasn’t dressed. If he was standing in front of her, she’d have to be heavily restrained or she was certain she would choke him to death. What business was it of his who she dated? Or who Ethan dated? What did he mean he didn’t want Ethan “distracted”?

She looked at herself in the mirror and squared her shoulders. She was going to have to confront him again in the morning. This time, she could not back down.

Chapter 12

ThehoursbetweenSundayevening and Monday morning eroded some of Billie’s resolve. But she was angry enough to skip breakfast and march right out of her flat to the street. The sight on the sidewalk almost made her forget her rage entirely. Ethan stood waiting for her, a coffee in hand and that adorable smile on his face. It amazed her how in so little time he had gone from one of the reasons she was pissed off to the sole reason she wasn’t.

“Morning!” he said sunnily. “Coffee?”

“Yeah, thanks,” she replied, taking the mug in hand. “You made it yourself?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he told her. “And in the spirit of honesty, I’ll go ahead and tell you I asked Tessa how you take it.”

“Thank you,” she chuckled, touched by the effort. After taking the first sip, she hummed with contentment. “It’s perfect.”

He grinned. “Can I walk you to work?”

She blinked, taken aback. “You don’t have to do that, you’ll be hours early.”

“I don’t mind, I usually go in a little early to lift weights and stuff before training,” he said.

She had to force the mental picture of him working out from her mind or she’d never be able to focus at work. Thankfully, he continued.

“Plus, you came outta your building huffing like the Big, Bad Wolf and I’m awful curious to find out why.”

“Ugh, just…” she trailed off, wondering how much to tell him. But he was always honest with her, so she decided to give him the same respect. “Are you on Twitter?”

“Oh, heck no,” he answered hastily. “I had an account once for about two minutes and took more abuse in that time than I had in my whole career.”