Page 30 of We'll Meet Again

“I know what you meant,” he cut across her. He was not accustomed to interrupting ladies, but he wasn’t interested in her excuses. “You wanted to hear the hick try and sound dignified like you.”

She blanched, her eyes fluttering as she set the book aside. Maybe it was her earlier comment that made him feel extra defensive now, but he was furious. The only purpose of having him reading Shakespeare was to laugh at him, not with him. He could be silly and fun, sure, but he would not tolerate being made to look foolish at his own expense.

“Would you agree to read lines fromGone With the Windjust for someone else’s entertainment at how ‘wrong’ it’d sound?” he demanded, getting to his feet.

Ted stood up too and took a step toward Ethan. “Ethan, I don’t think -”

“It don’t - doesn’t -” he corrected himself quickly. “It doesn’t matter. This interview is over.”

With that, he walked off the stage, depositing the microphone and pack into the producer’s hand, who watched him go with her mouth hanging open. But he didn’t look back, not even when Ted and Kiera called out to him.

His heartbeat pounded in his ears as he stormed out of the studio, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, since he was unable to keep still. He had to move. Work the anger out of his muscles and try to relax before he got to training. Moisture welled up in the back of his eyes, but he blinked it back. He felt so betrayed. They had ripped open an old wound for exposure, and instead of humanizing him, they rubbed salt into it by trying to turn him into some sort of caricature. They wanted to put him into the very box he had spent his life trying to claw his way out of. And the worst part was, he still felt badfor thembecause he was certain he had caused a problem for the show.

He shook his head to clear it. “You’re allowed to set boundaries,” he told himself.

He’d hardly gotten the words out when his phone began to ring in his pocket. He saw that it was Martin, his agent, and pressed the lock button to ignore it. He knew what Martin would say, and he was not in the mood for a lecture. He wanted to get to training and forget the whole thing, though he knew the press would be having a field day. Social media was probably already a nightmare. He wished he could just go home.

Oddly enough, the person he really wanted to see - more than anything - was Billie. Somehow, he was convinced that just seeing her face would slow his racing heart. Her pretty eyes would make the interview disappear, at least for a moment. Squeezing his eyes shut and silencing his phone once more, he headed toward the Hive.

The first place he needed to go was the club’s PR director’s office. He had met her briefly on his first day when they did the photo op of him signing pretend papers to get a shot they could post on Instagram. She was a bright, bubbly young woman by the name of Nelle Hamilton. She had previously worked with models and influencers, but had ultimately decided on something more stable. Kind as she was, he had a feeling his storm out would not be well-received.

“What the fuck, Ethan?” were her first words to him when he came through her office door.

“I apologize for embarrassing the club,” he blurted out quickly. “It was unprofessional, and I’m sorry if it puts you in a bind. But I cannot apologize for doing what I felt was right for me and standing up for myself.”

Nelle blinked her wide, brown eyes at him, mouth drawn tight as if she was preparing to say something else, but she didn’t. She only sighed.

“I suppose I can’t fault you for that,” she said. “Apology accepted.”

“Thank you,” he said. “Going forward, d’you think you could have any questions or anything like that sent over ahead of time?”

“Sure,” she said.

“I appreciate you,” he told her.

It was at that moment he realized that Billie was in the room, standing beside Nelle’s desk, paperwork in hand, and looking ridiculously beautiful in her usual short skirt and turtleneck. It was an absurd time to notice that her legs looked good in those boots she wore, but he couldn’t help it. They always looked incredible, hitting her thigh at just the right spot. Even the black tights were sexy. He swallowed and nodded toward her.

“Billie,” he said.

“You alright, Ethan?” she asked.

He wondered if the aftermath of the interview was still showing on his face. His cheeks certainly felt a little warmer, but that could have been because he was just thinking about Billie’s legs.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” he assured her.

He held her gaze for a couple more seconds, but cut it to give Nelle a wave and turn to head to the locker room. He wished he had asked Billie for a moment, but there really wasn’t a reason to. What would he say?I’m feeling vulnerable, please hold me?That would be crazy considering they were only just getting to know each other.

Just when he opened the door to the stairwell, he heard his name from down the corridor. He turned his head. Billie was jogging over to him - impressive given the footwear. She slowed to a stop in front of him.

“Hey,” she said, a little breathlessly. “I just…I wanted to say that…” She trailed off and took her bottom lip between her teeth, which looked so adorable that Ethan smiled, charmed. “I’m sorry they did that to you. It was a shitty thing to do, and you were right to walk away.”

“Thank you,” he replied, voice gentle. “I, uh…” He stopped and glanced around to ensure they were actually alone. “I ain’t ashamed of where I come from. Not at all. But it’s not a joke to me either. I know I talk this way and that makes people jump to conclusions about me, but I’m not… I’m not some trailer park hillbilly, alright? I’m a goddamn professional.”

She blinked, taken aback. “I’ve never heard you swear before.”

“I don’t like to do it, but I’m real unhappy with -” He stopped himself and took a deep breath. “It’s fine. It’s over.”

“All of that is totally valid,” she said. She took a small step closer so she could reach his arm. Her warm hand made him feel like the world stopped turning. “And no one here thinks you’re a joke.”