“Hi, there,” she said, quite certain it was the friendliest greeting he’d ever received from her. “D’you know you’re going on a morning show tomorrow?”
“Oh, yeah, my agent called me about that,” he said. “Do I gotta sign something?”
“You do, in fact,” she said, retrieving the papers from their place tucked under her arm and the pen from her coat pocket. “Standard release, I believe.”
He took the items, his fingers brushing hers in a moment that nearly made her heart stop. Then she watched as he used his thigh to scribble his signature on the dotted lines throughout the packet. She hadn’t noticed how muscular his legs were, but now that she’d seen them in action, she wondered how she missed it.They were like tree trunks - strong, wide, and durable. Ethan rose up to his full height again to hand the file back to her.
“Here ya go,” he said.
“Yeah…thanks,” she said, shaking her head to clear it. “You’re…you’re quite good, you know.”
“Thank you,” he replied with a humble nod. “It’s nothing really. I bet you could do it if you tried.”
She scoffed. “No way. Not like that.”
“I’ll teach you,” he offered.
“I’ll miss,” she insisted.
“It’s a big target.”
“You’re hugely underestimating how awful I am.”
He chuckled. “Alright, forget the goal, then. How about a passing game?”
She raised a skeptical eyebrow at him. Usually, when men offered to teach her something sports-related, they saw it as an opportunity to cop a feel. To get close to her and see how far they could push the envelope before she stopped them.Ifshe stopped them. But Ethan remained right where he stood, that kind look still on his face with just a hint of expectancy.
“Alright then,” she agreed, and set the papers down in the grass.
She wondered if she would regret it, but the grin on his face was almost a guarantee that she wouldn’t. His smile was like sunshine. A sliver of warmth on an otherwise cold, dreary, and gray day.
He led her out towards the center of the pitch, standing a few yards away as he placed the ball in front of him.
“I’m gonna pass it to you,” he began. “Receive it with your leg or your foot, whichever comes more naturally to you. Keep your eye on the ball, and I promise, your body will follow where you’re looking.”
She nodded, though she wasn’t quite sure she believed him. But she watched enough football to get the general idea of receiving the ball and getting it gently to the ground in order to make the next pass. It looked simple enough.
“You ready?” Ethan asked.
Billie nodded. “I think I can handle it.”
He kicked the ball toward her with a light thump, and it sailed gracefully in her direction. She lifted her leg to receive it, grateful she’d worn trousers. But the contact was not as smooth as she anticipated. It struck her thigh, but instead of dropping to the ground, it ricocheted off of her and landed about a yard away before rolling to a stop. Her skin already ached with where it hit her, but she ignored that and shot a sharp look at Ethan.
“I did just what you said!” she insisted.
He jogged over, an infuriatingly amused grin on his lips. “You’re too tense. Relax your receiving leg so it doesn’t bounce right off you.”
She blinked. “Well, that is certainly the most creative way I’ve ever been called a tight ass.”
“But, not the only way, huh?” he teased.
She narrowed her eyes at him and folded her arms over her chest. “I won’t stand to be disparaged.”
“Shoo-wee, that’s a five dollar word right there,” he returned, unfazed by her ire. “But I won’t tease you anymore if you don’t like it.”
“I don’t,” she said with a huff.
“Would it help if I said you’re adorable like this?” he asked.