Page 23 of We'll Meet Again

“Oh, I do like the sound of that,” Tessa said, winking at Billie. “I’ll get your coat.”

Billie let out a breath. She was already struggling with Ethan being close to her. If she helped him into his coat - actually, touching him - she wasn’t sure what her mind would conjure up then. The goodbyes passed in a blur. Ethan thanked them again, bid them goodnight, and then was gone. Already, the flat felt…emptier. Or maybe it was just Billie.

As she got ready for bed, she retrieved the handkerchief he’d given her from her nightstand. She crawled under her quilt, and then looked over the embroidered initials once more. EK, in soft, blue thread. She wondered who had stitched it. His mother perhaps? Or maybe his grandmother? He’d mentioned her before too. His father, he had yet to speak about. She was curious about his family now. Curious about him. And that was dangerous territory to be in.

“Fuck’s sake,” she groaned and flopped back onto her pillow.

She fell asleep with the handkerchief tucked close to her heart.



Aldbourne, England

My darling Henry,

Of course I’ll marry you! Heavens, how could I refuse? After losing Mum and Dad, I kept wondering why I’d left London. Joining the Land Girls saved my life, but guilt for being away from my family during that air raid made me wonder why I had been spared. I did my work in the orchard like a ghost. And then you lot arrived on our shores. I met you at that dance and lo and behold - you brought me back to life! It all makes sense now. The Lord spared me to bring me to you. Becoming your wife would be an honor. And I know Mum and Dad would be happy - they’d have adored you.

By now, I’m sure you’ve already jumped into God-only-knows, France. I read all about the invasion in the papers. I do hope you are keeping yourself safe the best you can. I’ll anxiously await a return letter until I see your silly scrawl in ink between my hands again.

As for a movie date - I suppose you’re entitled to one now we’re betrothed, and all. I can scarcely imagine the fun we’ll have if dancing is only half as fun. (But you will take me dancing again, won’t you?)

We shall never be strangers again, darling. What an exciting thought!


Your Maggie

Chapter 7

“Areyousurethat’swhat Tony meant?” Billie’s sister asked.

Stevie had finally called for one of their bi-monthly catch-up conversations, the first since they saw each other at their parents’ place for Christmas. Billie and her sister used to be closer, but since Stevie had gotten married and had two children, her life was just too busy. Not that she hadn’t been busy as a high-powered attorney either - the woman was well on her way to becoming a partner at her firm - but she had found new fulfillment in being a mother. And she was a great one.

“What else could he have meant?” Billie said. “He wasn’t speaking in riddles, Stevie.”

On her way home from the grocery store, Billie had relayed the whole thing to her sister, even the bit about Tony only giving her the job out of respect for their law school days together. Stevie was shocked, to say the least.

“It just doesn’t sound like him,” Stevie insisted. “He was always…intense, but never rude like that.”

“Are you saying you don’t believe me?” Billie said, her stomach clenching as she mentally prepared her defense in case the answer was yes.

“No, of course I believe you,” Stevie said. “But maybe he was having an off day or something. I dunno.”

“Off day or not that’s no excuse for being the prince dick of all dickhea - are you fucking joking?”

Billie halted not only her sentence but her whole body. She had just reached her building when she saw, across the street, Ethan chatting animatedly to an elderly woman on a walker, and taking her grocery bags out of her hands. Clearly, the woman was familiar with him, as she didn’t seem surprised by his offer, and she touched his arm with warm gratitude, which of course made him flash that bashful smile of his. Billie rolled her eyes.

“He can’t be serious,” she said with a groan.

“Who can’t be serious?” Stevie asked. “What’s going on?”

“Okay, you remember I told you that Ethan Knight’s living across the road from me?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“Well - get this - he’s helping an old lady carry her bags in,” Billie explained. “Literally. Like a fucking boy scout.”