Page 20 of We'll Meet Again

“Oh, I like it just fine,” he answered. “It’s a bit colder than I’m used to, but other than that I think I’ll be here a while.”

“That’s good news,” Tessa said. “You played well enough yesterday, I think we’ll be happy to have you.”

“Thank you,” he said, and took a sip of tea to hide the flush rising to his face.

The tea was nice after walking over in the cold. It could have used some sugar, but he wouldn’t dream of asking for any. Especially since Billie had already taken a seat across from him, sipping the wine. Her expression softened for a moment as she licked her lips, enjoying the taste. His heart ballooned with pride at having pleased her.

Tessa took the sauce off the heat and added some salt to the noodles, which were boiling in a large pot. He fleetingly considered offering to help, but he had an idea of what her response would be. She’d insist he remain comfortable. He glanced back at Billie, whose eyes were on his face, but she quickly looked away when he caught her staring.

“So, have you always wanted to play in the Premier League?” Tessa asked.

Ethan took a moment to reply, as he was trying to catch Billie’s gaze again. “Sorry?”

“Have you always wanted to play in the Premier League?” Tessa repeated, a smirk parting her lips.

“I didn't think I'd ever be good enough, but yeah,” he answered. “I mean, it’s every kid’s dream to play in a top tier league like this one.”

“Did you have a preferred club?” Billie added, and seemed to surprise herself when she spoke.

Ethan took another sip of tea to gather up his thoughts for that answer. It was a little more of himself to give than he was used to offering to strangers. But he wanted to open up to Billie.

“Uh, yeah, actually, it was Chelsea,” he said.

“Why Chelsea?” Tessa asked.

He shifted in his seat as he cleared his throat. “When I was a little boy, my mother…” he trailed off, looking for the right words. “She wasn’t well. And one time, while she was in the hospital - I had just started playing soccer, and was learning the different leagues - I wrote a letter to all the Premier League clubs, telling them what was happening and that I didn’t have a team I was rooting for yet. Chelsea was the only one that got back to me. They even sent me some autographed pictures and a kit. Been a fan ever since.” He paused to swallow. “I kinda hoped I’d get to play for them someday, but, y’know, you take the offers you can get.”

Billie could not deny the softness spreading in her heart upon hearing the story. The tender, shy look on Ethan’s face as he spoke of his mother. The smile that threatened his lips when he told them about the pictures and the kit. And the way he kept looking at her with curiosity and wonder. It all told her what she had dreadfully suspected all along - there was more to him than the average footballer, or even man for that matter, and he was genuinely sweet. Damn him. She took a sip of wine.

“That kind of story could rot your teeth, it's so sweet,” Tessa joked.

The remark was all the more comical since she had just drained the noodles in the colander and her round glasses were entirely fogged up with steam. Billie bit her lip to keep her giggle at bay. Tessa swore under her breath and removed her glasses to clear them off with her shirt sleeve. When Billie caught Ethan’s eye again, with an amused sparkle behind them that matched her own, she quickly looked away.

“So, uh, how did you two end up living together?” Ethan asked.

“Billie and I met at uni,” Tessa said. “We were in some of the same courses, and we ended up working on a project together. Been best mates ever since.”

The days in uni with Tessa were always ones Billie recalled fondly. Between parties and classes and dates, they had formed something remarkable. And more solid than any other relationship in Billie’s life, even her sister or her parents.

“Well, she’s leaving out the best part,” she said. “We met because…well…” some heat rose to her cheeks to admit it, especially since Ethan didn’t drink. “I’d overindulged in whatever terrible punch was prepared at this party-”

“Punch,” Tessa scoffed. “More like poison, you mean.”

Billie smiled and continued. “Well, some bloke I didn’t know was trying to get me to go home with him, and nearly had me in his car. But Tessa - who was probably about as drunk as I was - actually leapt onto his back and started screaming for the police.”

A laugh burst out of Ethan, his head falling back with amusement. It probably was hilarious to imagine. Sweet, waif-like Tessa with her round eyes and soft voice getting so defensive. But that was who Tessa was. She had more courage than most, and she stood between people and misfortune wherever she could. Even strangers.

“I gotta say, I’m impressed,” Ethan told her. “Was he arrested?”

“Afraid not,” Tessa sighed. “Fucker shook me off and ran before anything else happened.”

“Well, something good came of it,” he said. “Look where you two are now.”

“Aye, she’s followed me like a wee puppy ever since.”

“Oi, who took care of you while you had the flu before Christmas?” Billie shot back.

“Could have been anyone, I was totally out of it,” Tessa said with a shrug.