Page 66 of We'll Meet Again

“Fancy a drink, Billie?” Astrid asked. “It’ll just be us since Nadia doesn’t drink and Larysa obviously can’t at the moment.”

Larysa smiled and shook her head, but rubbed her belly with affection. “Believe me, I am very jealous.”

“Yeah, I suppose I’ll have a pint,” Billie said. “But let me get it. I’m the new girl, I’ve gotta pay my dues.”

“I’ll let you,” Astrid joked.

“Be back in just a moment.”

Billie stepped out into the concourse, heading toward the first place that sold beer. As she stepped in line and checked her phone, she heard a familiar voice behind her.

“Well, you certainly move on quickly.”

She turned her head. “Greg?”

There he stood, in a Stanmore kit, but glowering at her like she was sneaking over from the Liverpool supporter’s section. She folded her arms over her chest. If anyone had a right to be angry it was her. He was the one who said that awful thing -love is wasted on you.

“Saw the article inthe Sun,” he practically spat. “I suppose I was right then.”

“We broke up over two months ago,” she reminded him. “I’m allowed to move on. You should think about doing the same.”

“That is just like you,” he scoffed. “Never mind that I was in love with you. No, you’ve got your fresh, footballer boyfriend now, like I never even existed.”

She frowned. Did he really think he was blameless? This breakup certainly had him showing his true colors. The victim complex on this guy was astounding.

“Look, I’m sorry that I hurt you -” she began, but he cut her off.

“Spare me that,” he said. “Face it, Billie. You’re cold and you’re selfish. You’ll break his heart just like you do to everyone else.”

She bristled, drawing herself up to her full height, and prepared to tell him that his feelings were not her responsibility and he could fuck right off for accosting her like this, but she stopped. She asked herself -what would Ethan do in this situation?She released a breath.

“I am sorry,” she repeated, gentler this time. “Whether you believe me or not. I’ve found someone who makes me really happy, and honestly, Greg, I wish the same for you.”

With that, she turned on her heel and left him stricken where he stood. She was proud of herself for being polite, but rage still simmered in her stomach, along with a dash of fear. Greg had voiced her worst nightmare - that this wouldn’t work out. That her hesitancy would get the best of her and she or Ethan - maybe even both of them - would end up devastated. She ordered an extra beer and drank it down before returning to the box.

Ethan slung his kit into the laundry hamper, defeated. Literally. They lost to Liverpool 5-1, so the locker room was silent with their shame. He went over every goal opportunity he’d had during the match, mentally kicking himself for all the misses. But Liverpool’s defense had been spectacular, and neither Ethan or anyone else was able to break through them. Their only goal was from a penalty kick. The loss put them back in seventh place in the league, and it was Ethan’s first loss with Stanmore. All the other matches had been wins or draws.

“Alright, listen up, all of you,” Jordan said. All eyes turned to the captain. “We got stomped out today. In our own house. Feels like shit, right?”

Murmurs of agreement went through the room, from Ethan as well.

“Now’s the time to dig down deep,” Jordan went on. “Channel all the fucked up shit inside you and use it to make you better. I want everyone back here tomorrow to go over the tapes. Understood?”

They all nodded. Ethan sighed and flopped down to sit on the bench, holding his head in his hands. He should have been better. He would have to do even more tomorrow. Watch the tapes, and then get out on the pitch and push himself. When he felt the weight of someone beside him, he turned his head to find Jordan there.

“You played well today, Knight,” he said.

“Not well enough.”

“One loss isn’t the end of the world,” Jordan continued. “Besides, we’ve got a much bigger match coming up.”

Ethan was well aware - the FA Cup quarter final. Stanmore had never made it past that stage before, and the speculation across social media and among pundits was that Ethan was the best chance they had at making the semi-finals. But after today, he wasn’t so sure. And Tottenham Hotspur, their opponent, was playing well. They beat Chelsea today 3-2.

Jordan’s heavy hand clapped Ethan’s shoulder. “Put it behind you, mate.”

“I’ll try,” Ethan said. “I don’t ever wanna let y’all down again.”

“You’ve never been guilty of that, Knight.”