The rest of the morning and into the afternoon, she was busy with the household. A house this big needed a large staff and while she was glad to have them, she thought that sometimes they made more work than they needed to. Cleaning the fireplaces had become a daily thing for the staff, and while she didn’t care when they were cleaned, they usually ended up having a dust fight, and the entire room would be sooty. She wasn’t sure, but Trinity thought that they did that because they enjoyed cleaning up after themselves. It could have been worse, she thought to herself, but they were happy, and so was she.
Dinner tonight was going to be quick. It was nearly getting dark by the time the girls made it home from school nowadays. But soon, the time would be for all daylight they could manage and more outdoor fun for them all. Trinity was looking forward to going tea blossom hunting with the girls and the other children of the bruin. By the time there was full darkness outside, they were loaded up in the jeep and out looking at the beautiful lights that were nearly on every lamp post and business front. There were houses, too, but they wouldn’t be able to shine bright without the town. It was just spectacular the way they all seemed to get together to make their town beautiful.
They’d given out two scholarships this past fall. The students that had received them were overjoyed by them. So were their parents. Twenty thousand dollars was given away and the kids that received them wouldn’t have to work while going to college. She thought that it was great in that part alone.
She was just stepping out of the shower, her second one of the day, when Ewing joined her in the room. Wrapping the large towel around her breasts and body, she asked him if everything was all right.
“Not now that you’ve covered up, it’s not.” The two of them had been teasing each other for the last few days. It was difficult to have sex during the day as there was someone always underfoot. Today, with Billy with the faeries and his nanny, they had just very little time to spare before the girls had to be picked up from school. Dropping the towel on the floor, she raced him to the bed, and that was where they ended up together, just as his phone was going off.
“Don’t answer it.” He said that he wasn’t going to, but she could tell that he did indeed need to answer the phone. Riding her body up against his, he moaned loudly and told her to behave. She wasn’t going to let this opportunity go without a fight.
Tearing his buttons off, she took one of his hard nipples into her mouth and suckled at it hard. Then, when she nipped at him, biting gently on his nipple, she could hear his frustration as he spoke on the phone. Getting up from the bed, not being bashful at all about her nudity, she sat down in front of him and undid his belt, and then the snap at the top of his jeans.
Trinity made short work of his boxers. Pulling them down over the crown of his cock, she slid her tongue over the top of his cock and was rewarded with the tiniest drop of cum. Licking him more, pulling his pants off when he finally lifted his hips. She swallowed his cock down past the tightness of her throat as she fondled his balls.
She knew that she was playing dirty and didn’t care. He was going to remember this the next time he came for her and his phone rang. The phone was tossed across the room. Once it hit the wall, her body seemed to come apart with just the sound of his frustrations and the breaking glass of the thing.
“I’m going to beat your ass for that. I needed to take that call.” He might well have needed it but she could tell that he didn’t much care if he did or not. He slapped his hand onto her ass, and she came a second time, her body hurting with the pain and pleasure like nothing had before. “You like that, do you? Well, I’m going to have me some—holy Christ Trinity, yes.”
All she’d done was to give his tender balls a small jerk. They were warm and full, and she wanted to tease him a bit. But when he started coming, holding her head down over his cock while he fucked her mouth, Trinity wasn’t prepared for the amount of cum that she had to swallow and was disappointed that she’d missed a bit of him. It was the best way possible to have sex with someone, she thought and squealed when she was suddenly airborne, bouncing a couple of times before lying on the bed beneath him.
He took her hard, his cock filling her, slapping his balls onto her pussy with each downward stroke. It was hard and dirty, and she wouldn’t have it any other way right now. Each time he took her, she raised up her ass so that he could take her deeper, harder than before. Even while she was holding onto his arms, clinging to him so that she’d not shatter apart, her body was racing to meet up with his. His need to dominate her was more than she could take, and she screamed when he bit down on her throat.
Nothing could have prepared her for the way it turned her body inside out and then seemingly upside down. She felt herself being pulled through a small hole and then back through the other side as he suckled at the wound he created at her throat. There was no pain after a few minutes, only pleasure. More pleasure than she’d had in some time with Ewing, and it nearly was too much.
Whatever he was doing, whatever he was feeling by making love to her this way, she would take it ten times more than she thought that she could, if only to satisfy him. Trinity loved Ewing with all that she was and knew that he did the same for her.
Christ, he was laying claim to her like he’d never done to her before. And before she could realize that she was coming again, her body seemed to have been slapped upside of it, and she was out for the count.
When she woke, she was snuggled around Ewing and he was speaking softly. She didn’tunderstand that he was talking to her until he asked her if she was all right and that he was sorry that he’d hurt her so badly. Lifting her face up to look at him, she could see the tears on his face and wondered aloud about them.
“I thought that I’d nearly killed you.” She said that she was fucking fantastic. “Yes, but when you passed out for so long, I was worried about you. Are you really all right?”
“I am. I’m with you and that right there is enough for me to be able to enjoy you for the rest of my days.” He kissed her gently on her lips, and she smiled at him. “I’m sorry about your call. Not really, but I thought that I’d just say that to you.”
“I don’t even remember who it was now.” She snuggled under his chin and thought that she could sleep like this forever. Then her alarm went off and she knew she was going to have to get up and go get the kids. “Duty calls.”
“You take a nap, and I’ll go get them. I have a few things at the post office that I need to pick up anyway. That way, we don’t have to make two trips. The weather is supposed to be worse by this evening, and I’m looking forward to the weekend here with you and the family.” She didn’t argue with him but rolled over, taking most of the blankets with her when he got up. “I guess that’s a yes. You’ll see me later.”
“It is. Don’t forget to check on the lunch situation while there. Also…you know what? I should go with you. I have a list of things that I have to ask the teachers about their homework. Never a dull moment around here, is it?”
After getting the kids, they stopped and got pizza. There were a lot of people without power, so they invited anyone who needed it to use their generators. They might well should have been without power, too, but the faeries would make sure they weren’t without anything.
Stopping at the post office and getting about a half a dozen boxes, they were headed home. Trinity listened to the kids talking about their Christmas break and all the things they were going to do. She let the sounds of family roll around her, and when they got home, she hugged all of the kids tightly. Trinity felt like she was the luckiest person and mom in the world.
Chapter 8
Ten years later.
Billy sat very still, listening to the others speaking in the room. He could see them, could even have a conversation with them, but he, like any smart man would do, knew that at a moment’s notice or none at all really that bears could and would get angry about how things were put to paper while he was with them. They wanted things to be right and that meant that names were spelled correctly and the order in which you’re telling it was exact as well. One of the elders looked at him.
“You getting this down, young man? You should be making sure that this is all right rather than sitting there like a bump on a log.” Billy told the most senior bear there today that he was and wrote down the names of the three other bears that were with him. They were brothers born of the same parents that had been living here just as bears before the queen of earth had given them magic. “Ezekiel said that you have a contraption that will record us. If’n you do, I don’t want to talk into it. Might steal my voice or something. I won’t be able to roar to keep me safe if that happens. No, you don’t go recording me, all right? And there won’t be none of those picture things like you’ve got either. I have my soul, and that’s all. You mind your p’s and q’s, you hear me?”
He’d had to test the theory if he could or couldn’t record their voices. He could, but he had to hide the recorder because they’d spend too much time on speculating on how it worked rather than talking to him about the mountain and the families that had been long since gone. By the time he got them to settle down and have a conversation with them, they’d be too worn out to do what he’d summoned them for. Billy could do that, too. Summon anyone that he wished to speak to that hadn’t as yet moved on. It seemed like all the bears from the beginning stuck around. They loved watching their families figure out the mountain and what treasures it could give them.
These bears, the first of many that had come to the land now known as the Great Smoky Mountains, had the territory all laid out so that they and their families wouldn’t be hunted by the tribes that shared the land with them.
“You need some pictures too?” He asked Ezekiel if they knew where he could find them, knowing that if they would tell him when it was mentioned that he could go and find them rather than wait a week or two for them to remember where they’d hidden their treasures. He’d found a lot of their ‘treasures’ while talking to the first family than he ever thought possible. “They’re in that big cave where I showed you before. You know the one? It’s got a lot of junk in there too but the pictures were boxed up real nice.”