He doesn’t, keeping the same pace, driving into me again and again, and my breath comes in shallow pants, the feeling building inside me until it explodes outward, my body trembling with pleasure.

“Fuck,” he growls, his hips losing their rhythm, and then he follows me over the edge into bliss.



After cleaning up,I cuddle with Nora on my bed, blissed out and only vaguely curious about how much time we have before my grandparents inevitably return.

Right now, I’m content to bask in the afterglow, thankful for our reunion. Even though we were only apart for a couple days, it felt longer and more terrible than that.

“What are you thinking?” Nora asks after a few moments.

Sucking in a deep breath, I pick up her hand and bring it to my lips for a kiss, then set it back on my chest. “That I’m happy you’re here.”

“Me too,” she whispers.

“What are you thinking?” I ask, returning her question.

She shrugs. “I’m wondering what we should do about Christmas dinner.”

That makes me laugh. “Are you hungry?”

Another shrug. “A little. Do you think you’d be able to come home with me? I know it’s last minute, and I hate to put out your grandparents like that …”

“Could I come over for dessert?” I ask, wanting to hold my breath. Because this still feels so new and fragile that I’m worried any friction will shatter our connection again.

But I needn’t have worried. She smiles, sitting up and looking pleased. “That’s perfect. We both still get the planned dinners, and I still get to see you.” She leans down to kiss me. “I should probably get back, though. I told my family I wouldn’t be gone long.” Her eyes widen as she glances at the clock. “And it’s already been like an hour.”

Chuckling, I roll off the bed, picking up her pants and passing them to her before finding my underwear beneath them. We get dressed quickly, then she’s standing in front of me, face upturned, and I kiss her, once again filled with gratitude that I get to do that.

“Invite your grandparents for dessert, too,” she says, reaching for her coat. “The more the merrier. It’s already a full house, so be prepared for that, but we’ll have fun. We usually play games, but we might have to break into groups with so many people.”

I laugh again. I can’t help it. I’m so happy that laughter just bubbles out of me at the slightest provocation.

Grinning, she wraps her arms around my neck. I return her hug, kissing her once more. “Sounds perfect. I’ll text you when we’re done eating, and we can work out when we should head your way.”

She kisses me again. “Okay. See you soon. Merry Christmas!”

I watch her make her way down the walkway and climb into her car. As soon as she leaves, Grampy and Nana pull into the driveway. Grinning at the sight of them, I wait inside the storm door for them to climb out of their car, Grampy leaning on Nana for the walk to the front door instead of using his walker, which he left behind.

“Well?” Nana asks when I open the door for them, holding it so they can come inside. “What happened? Did you work things out?”

“We did,” I confirm, grinning like an idiot. I didn’t tell them much about what happened with Nora the other night, but they’re not stupid. They knew something was wrong when I came home unexpectedly.

“Good,” Grampy says, clapping me on the shoulder. “You need a good woman to keep you in line.”

Laughing, I shake my head and close the door behind us. “Oh yeah? Why’s that?”

Leaning over, he kisses Nana. “Because life’s better that way.”



One year later…

“Ready?” Austin calls from my living room.