She lifts one shoulder. “Again, making assumptions.”

Leaning over the console, I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, my fingers lingering on her jaw. “I think that might be a safe assumption.”

She leans in as well, and our lips meet in a brief kiss. Her lips are plump and smooth, and they give just right as they press against mine.

When she pulls away, it’s too soon for my liking. I want more. But she’s already opening the door and climbing out. Bending over, she smiles at me. “Thanks for an amazing date. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Night,” I call back as she closes the door, hoping my voice doesn’t sound too strangled.

I’ll see her tomorrow. And then we’ll plan another date.



As soon asI get home, I tell everyone I’m tired and retreat to my room. I feel a little bad, since I’ve barely seen either of my brothers since they got here. But I need time to myself. Time to reflect on what’s possibly the best first date I’ve ever had. There was none of the usual first-date awkwardness that you expect. No stilted conversation, no awkward silences that someone feels the need to fill with a drawn out, “Sooooo …” while casting about for something to talk about, hoping the other person will jump in while the conversation dies a long, slow, painful death.

Instead, conversation flowed easily. I hadfun. So much fun, I didn’t want the evening to end.

And the date was with Austin Stanton, of all people.

Who would’ve ever thought?

If you’d told me even a week ago that I’d be feeling this way after going on a date with him, I’d have laughed and laughed and laughed.

But here we are.

I can’t stop smiling, and I don’t even want to try, which is why it’s best to avoid my family right now. They’d ask why I’m smiling so much, and quotingElfand saying, “Smiling’s my favorite,” isn’t going to cut it. They’ve all seen me dopey over a boy before. They’ll know what’s up.

And I don’t want them ruining everything, even though I know they’ll only see it as being practical and trying to look out for me.

My family’s great. They really are. And I know they love me and want what’s best for me.

It’s just that what’s best for me right now is basking in the afterglow of a perfect first date, not being reminded of practical considerations. There’ll be time enough for those later.

I wake up the next morning feeling more refreshed and energized than before, and I don’t even care that Simone called out sick on a weekendagain. She was only supposed to work half the day, so I’ll cover her half and finish out the day with my half. And I’ll get to see Austin.

We need to exchange numbers, because I want to be able to text him whenever I want. Like after I’ve finished setting up for the day at ChristmasFest. I want to see him, but I can’t leave to go check if he’s at Give and Cake’s kiosk yet. If I were alone, I might, but Trevor’s the other elf working with me today, and he has enough of a hard time following the rules as it is. He doesn’t seem to have a good grasp about which ones are okay to bend a little and when, so I have to set a good example by staying at my post like I’m supposed to.

Fortunately, my day brightens when Austin shows up next to the cordoned area, a pastry bag in hand. “Hey,” he says, looking almost shy.

“Hey yourself,” I answer, sashaying over. “Whatcha got there?”

His shy smile turns into a real one. “I thought you might like a morning pick-me-up.”

“Oh yeah?” I return his smile, and I’m aware I probably look besotted, but I can’t help it.

He hands me the pastry bag. “One of the scones broke in half when I was filling the pastry case.”

“Ohhhh, I get it.” I nod, mock serious. “I’m only worthy ofbrokenbaked goods.”

He chuckles softly. “Well, much as I’d love to, I can’t just give away endless pastries to you. But since I can’t sell broken ones …” He shrugs. “I’d normally eat it myself, but I thought you might like it.”

I melt. “So you’re sacrificing your own delicious treat for me?”

Another shrug and a return of his shy smile.

Opening the bag, I pull out half and pass it to him. “How about we split it?”