I consider denying it for about five seconds, then I sigh.
Elise laughs softly. “Not going well?”
“I’m pretty crazy about her, but I’m not sure how she feels. And I haven’t told her that I want to see her again.”
Elise widens her eyes. “Wyatt Doherty, you are acatch. Call that girl and tell her what you’re thinking.”
I resist the urge to look in Luke’s direction. “It’s a little complicated.”
Elise nods. “Yeah, you really like her.”
“Complicated is the sign of real love?” I ask.
“Love seems like the most complicated thing in the world in the beginning,” she says. I notice she squeezes Aidan’s hands where they are splayed over her stomach. “Until you fall into it with the right person or people. Then it becomes the easiest thing you’ve ever done.”
“So the fact that this is complicated might mean that this isn’t right?” I ask.
She shakes her head. “It just means that your brain hasn’t caught up with your heart yet.”
Aidan kisses her neck and says gruffly, “I think maybe we need to go…talkin my sleeping quarters for a minute.”
Elise laughs and takes his hand, starting in the direction of the private rooms, where we all sleep when we can.
“If you talk, it better be dirty, and whatever comes with it better take you more than a minute,” she tells him sassily. “Or I’ll make you watch your husband make it up to me.”
I hear Aidan give her a little growl before they move out of earshot.
And yeah, that whole exchange with them wasn’t all that helpful.
Because now I have to face the fact that I probably really am in love with Brooke Wilder.
And there are two other men who might have something to say about that.
And I might actually want to hear what they have to say.
I am so fuckingglad to be done with work.
Going back after a vacation is always kind of hard, but this time I hated every minute of it.
After being stuck in the cabin with Wyatt for three days, then going right back to work at the firehouse with him, I needed a break.
Because every time I look at him, all I can think about is Brooke.
Okay, that’s not fair. I am thinking about Brooke anyway. It’s not Wyatt’s fault. I’m thinking about her whenever I walk into akitchen,for fuck’s sake. My own or the one at the firehouse. And that would be true whether I was seeing Wyatt or not.
I can’t see a refrigerator without thinking about how it felt to sink into her hot, wet pussy. Or hear her soft, husky voice begging me to fuck her. Or remember what her face looked like as I made her come.
I shove a hand through my hair.
I have got to get this woman out of my head.
I’ve thought about texting her, just to check in, about a hundred times.