“Because you’ve called me every day for the last three days, and you never do that unless you’re restless.”
I wince at Henley. Guilty as charged.
She’s right, I mouth to the dog.
“I am a little bored, I admit it,” I tell my mom. “I ordered a bunch of food and supplies for the dogs and they were all delivered and I spent ten minutes talking the ear off of the pilot when I went to pick them up.”
My mother laughs. “You’ve always been a people person, Jackson. Get yourself off that island and come home. Now I have togo. I have a job.”
“Okay, okay, thank you for picking up even when you know I don’t need anything other than to be entertained. I love you.”
“I love you, too. Talk to you this weekend. You’re coming for dinner Sunday, right?”
“Yes, ma’am. Wouldn’t miss it.”
We end the call and I set my phone down, reflecting on the fact that my parents have never been bored. Not one single day ever, because they’ve always been busting their butts to take care of each other and me and my sister.
My parents are both still incredibly hard workers, even though I’ve bought them a house. They’re cruising to retirement so they can collect their pensions and health insurance and live debt free in their golden years. Sometimes I know they think I’m letting too much time drift by but I don’t aspire to the grind culture. I want to wait for the right passion project to come along.
But I’m definitely restless.
It isn’t just staying alone in this cabin, though that’s not helping.
It’s wanting to have something to focus my attention on. I’m ready to have a goal to focus on again and I have this nagging feeling it might have something to do with animals.
And it’s also Brooke.
She makes me want… more.
I pick up my phone again, snap a picture of Henley and the puppies and send it in our group text with Wyatt and Luke.
Luke, you still need to name the other girl.
It’s day five of this puppy not having a name and I’m starting to get worried she’ll have an identity crisis. I’ve been referring to her as Little Miss when I pick her up and cuddle her, but she needs a name.
I’ve texted them several pics over the last few days and they are responding readily and are definitely interested in the dogs. None of us has brought up Brooke, which is getting on my nerves. We can’t just not talk about her.
Or maybe we can.
If we leave it up to Luke, that’s how it will go down.
As far as he’s concerned, we left all that here at the door when they all departed.
It doesn’t sit right with me. These guys are my best friends.
We all like Brooke.
Maybe we can all ask her out and see who she says yes to?
That seems like a crazy idea since two of us will get rejected but it’s better than what is happening right now, which is nothing. Wyatt texts me.
They’re growing already, it’s crazy.
I don’t have to name her. You pick something.
The text from Luke follows Wyatt’s and it’s typical Luke. Distancing himself.
No way. That one is yours.